Affiliated to I.K.G PTU, Jalandhar

ਬਾਬਾ ਬੰਦਾ ਸਿੰਘ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਇੰਜੀਨੀਅਰਿੰਗ ਕਾਲਜ - ਫਤਿਹਗੜ੍ਹ ਸਾਹਿਬ Call Us:(1800 137 2015, 01763 503067)

Fateh Marathon 2021

Registration Guidelines

S.No. Kms   Age Starting Point (SP)
1. 11 Kms 12-30 years Near Cambridge Engineering College Gate on Sirhind Fateh Marg
2. 5 Kms 31-45 years Duffera Village junction on Srihind Fateh Marg
3. 2 kms Above 45 years Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Yadgari Gate on Sirhind Fateh Marg
4. 2 kms Below 12 years Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Yadgari Gate on Sirhind Fateh Marg
  1. All participants are requested to register online at:
  2. Registration can be done also offline at the college Reception (by filling a hard copy of the registration form). 
  3. For any query, Email us at:
  4. The last date of registration (for both online and offline) is: 22/10/2021. The organizers will not entertain any entries after the closure of registration.
  5. All participants are required to wear the Chest Tags (on the day of the event), specifying the Serial no./name of the event.
  6. Chest tags with Serial no. will be given on-the-spot (at the particular Venue of each category) before the beginning of the event (on 23th October 2021).
  7. All participants for Cyclathon are required to bring their own bicycles. All participants may wear a crash helmet for their safety.
  8. The detailed route of the event is available both on Marathon website and on the Brochure.
  9. All participants are required to abide by prevailing traffic rules & strictly follow the displayed road signage and the instructions of marshals, as placed by the organizers.
  10. Strict action will be initiated against any participant found trying to pressurize/influence the organizer(s). Any violation of rule will be charged by a penalty and a warning. The participant shall be disqualified after three such warnings.
  11. The decision of the BBSBEC Judging committee (regarding winners in each of the categories) shall be final. The decision of the same shall be binding on the participants, in any case.
  12. The competitors will be liable for disqualification, in case if: 
    • He/She try to obstruct the path of any other competitor.
    • He/She take any assistance from any other vehicle.
  13. It is necessary for all the participants to be present at the Prize Distribution Ceremony and receive their certificates/medals from the Chief Guest.
  14. It is requested that all participants should show healthy competition, wholehearted participation and create an atmosphere of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and discipline for all to emulate.
  15. All participants/cyclists must be medically fit. Declaration regarding same may be filled online (while registering for the event – offline/online).
  16. Shoes will be mandatory for the race.
  17. It is the responsibility of the participants/individuals to acquaint themselves with the laid down rules and regulations. The organizers cannot be held responsible for any lapse due to ignorance of rules by the participants. 
  18. The organizers reserve the right to make any changes in the interest of smooth conduct of the BBSBEC – Fateh Marathon & Cyclathon.

Eligibility Rules

  1. The participant age should be: 12–30 Years (for Category-1), 31-45 years (for Category-2), above 45 years (for Category-3) and below 12 years (for Category-4).
  2. The participants need to confirm their medical fitness on the registration form.
  3. The reporting time on the day of the marathon at the starting point is 5:20 am. However, the participants may also report at the Entry Gate of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College by 5:00 am.
  4. College transport will be provided to board them to their respective starting points. 
  5. Refreshment will be provided at the finishing point.
    • FINISHING POINT FOR BOTH FATEH MARATHON & CYCLATHON is-  Nawab Sher Mohammad Khan Stadium, BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib