Computer Science & Engineering Department of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College Fatehgarh Sahib(Punjab) organized 3 Days Online – TECHFEST “WINTERFALL’20 from 4th December to 6th December 2020 under the aegis of ACM student Chapter, IEI student Chapter and IEEE Student Chapter in collaboration with WiredClan . The key learning for the participants included innovative thinking, developing logical skills and designing solutions for real life problems. Various events like Quiz, Art and Craft, Drawing, Calligraphy, Photography, talent hunt, Hackathon, Spelling Bee, Story writing and Caption/Picture Description were organized in the techfest. More than 100 students registered for the event.

Major General (Dr.) G.S.Lamba, Principal, inaugurated the event and congratulated students and the department for conducting such event. Dr. Kanwalvir Singh Dhindsa (Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering) informed that TECHFEST will provide platform for the students to test their skills through various stages of Technical and Non-Technical events. Dr. Puneet  Mittal, Dr. Navneet kaur Sehgal and Prof. Ravneet Kaur were the coordinators of the event.