BBSBEC has envisioned itself to become a well known name in R&D activities. R&D activities are encouraged at both departmental as well as institute level. Research centers equipped with required infrastructure and other facilities have been established in all departments for achieving the goals. These R&D centers with inputs from industry and funding agencies would develop the vision of research. The performance of these R&D centers is measured in terms of funding received, industrial consultancy, publications, patents and conferences/seminars organized. The institute provides travel grant to the faculty and the students to attend International/National conferences and training courses. Cash rewards are given to the faculty and the students for research publications. The faculty members are sponsored to pursue their doctoral programmes from IITs and other institutes of repute. With continual and visionary support from the college management and efforts of the faculty and the students, the R&D culture is really picking up day by day in the institute.
Dr. Manpreet Kaur
Dean Research & Development