- Name of the Association : BBSBEC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
- Location of the Regd. Office : Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib-140407, Punjab
- Area of Operation : Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab
- To encourage the Alumni to take enduring interest in the progress and development of the Alma Mater.
- To provide an interface through which the alumni of the college remain in touch with the existing students, faculty, staff and among themselves
- To serve the need of leadership, industry collaboration, generate financial support/funding and volunteer involvement for the hand holding of current students.
- To promote exchange of skills and experiences through seminars, workshops, training courses and guest lectures.
- To enable the alumni to take part in the college activities that may contribute to the development of the alma mater and its alumni.
- To introduce the scholarship schemes, awards and prizes for the existing students of the college and for the faculty through the grants by the alumni.
- To provide assistance to the students for getting internships and placements in the reputed institutions/multinational companies.
- “The Association” means the BBSBEC Alumni Association.
- The BBSBEC FGS means Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib.
- The “General Body” means the General Body of the Association.
- The “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the Association.
- Alumnus means an ex-student who has obtained any degree (B.E., B.Tech, B.Voc, M.Tech, and MBA) and faculty/staff from Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib.
- An “Honorary Member” means any person other than an Alumnus, who has been approved by the “Executive Committee” of the Association and is likely to promote the interests of the Association.
- The financial year of the Association shall be reckoned from 1st April to 31st March of the following year.
- The Association may have Patrons as approved by the Executive Committee, provided that a patron shall be an out-standing professional engineer/scientist or a social worker. Such an appointment shall be made for a period of one year.
Membership, Member Obligations and Rights
- The student who successfully completes any degree from the Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib automatically becomes a Life member of the Association from the date of issue of the Result Notification granting the said degree on payment of the appropriate membership fees.
- Any ex-member of the staff of the college, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, is admitted by the Association on payment of the appropriate membership fees
- The membership fee in respect of all the members as mentioned above would be decided by mutual discussions between the college and the Association from time to time. The mode of collection of the membership fees would be decided from time to time in mutual discussions between the College and the Association.
Membership Obligations and Rights
- Member Rights: Members are eligible to receive the details of the activities of the college, alumni related activities, exercise their vote in General Body Meetings, register on the alumni website, attend alumni meets and other events.
- Membership Benefits: Members can avail of services and initiatives offered from time to time by the college which may include use of available facilities at the college. For availing the benefits, the member must have the Alumnus ID card issued by the Association with him/her, given at the time of registration.
- Member Obligations: Members are anticipated to follow the rules and regulations of the Association while representing BBSBEC Alumni Association and participating in the Association activities.
Organization of the Association
- General Body – There shall be a General Body of the Association consisting of all members.
- Executive Body – There shall be an Executive Committee to manage the affairs of the Association.
- Local Chapters – There may be Local Chapters of the Association in various cities in India and abroad.
General Body
- The General Body of the Association shall hold General Body Meeting at least once a year. A notice of at least one month shall be given to the members before convening a General Body Meeting.
- Presence of 20 members shall form a quorum for any meeting of the General Body.
- The duties of the General Body shall be:
- To set guidelines for the Executive Committee s as to achieve the aims and objectives of the Association.
- To review the Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the Association.
- To honour the distinguished Alumni.
- To distribute the awards/provide the scholarships to the meritorious students.
- To elect office bearers and members of the Executive Committee.
- To plan the other future activities with the permission of the President in Chair.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of:
(i) | President | 1 |
(ii) | Chairman | 1 |
(iii) | Vice President | 1 |
(iv) | General Secretary/College Alumni Coordinator | 1 |
(v) | Joint Secretary | 1 |
(vi) | Treasurer | 1 |
(vii) | Executive Members | 4 |
Election of the Executive Committee:
- All office bearers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected from amongst the Members.
- The President shall be elected by the Executive Committee from amongst the members.
- The Principal BBSBEC, FGS shall be ex-officio Chairman of BBSBEC FGS Alumni Association.
- The Vice President shall be elected by the Executive Committee from amongst the members.
- The General Secretary shall be elected by the Executive Committee from amongst the members stationed at Fatehgarh Sahib/ Chandigarh/New Delhi or any surrounding area.
- The Treasurer shall be elected by the Executive Committee from amongst the members stationed at Fatehgarh Sahib / Chandigarh or any surrounding area.
- A total of 9 Executive members shall be elected by the General Body.
- The procedure for election of the office bearers of the Association shall be regulated according to the Bye-laws of the Association.
- No elected/ nominated office bearer shall hold office for more than five consecutive years except under exceptional circumstances as approved by the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee will meet twice in a year. A notice of 7 days shall ordinarily be given to members for convening an emergency meeting. The quorum for the Executive Committee meeting shall be 2/3 of present members.
- The Executive Committee shall have all the powers with regard to the objectives of the Association according to directives, if any, of the General Body.
- The Executive Committee shall approve the budget for the following year.
Local Chapters
- The relationship of the BBSBEC FGS Alumni Association with the Local Chapters will be governed by bye-laws of the Association.
- The Executive committee may recognize a Local Chapter of the Association in any city provided it has 20 members enrolled. A centre with less than 20 members but more than five members will be recognized as a Sub-Chapter and it will be attached to the Local Chapter.
- The Local Chapters shall not be normally, under the financial control of the BBSBEC FGS Alumni Association at Fatehgarh Sahib. However, if any Local Chapter organizes an activity using the name and patronage of the parent body, they will transfer 20% savings from the activity to corpus fund of the parent body at BBSBEC Fatehgarh Sahib.
- The Local Chapters should normally hold activities pertaining to their jurisdiction only. The jurisdiction of Local Chapters will be defined by the parent body from time to time.
- Local Chapters will take prior approval of the parent body before organizing events of regional/national/global nature involving members beyond their jurisdiction.
- In case the annual revenue of a chapter exceeds Rupees One lakh, the accounts must be audited and certified copies of the balance sheet and audit report submitted to the parent body at Fatehgarh Sahib.
Responsibilities and Duties of the Office Bearers
The President shall preside over Executive Committee and General Body meetings. He / She shall have all the powers to fulfill the objectives of the Association.
The Chairman shall assist in the implementation of the objectives of the Association. He / She shall have emergency powers to make any decision in the interest of the Association.
Vice President
The Vice President shall act as the President, in the absence of the President. He / She shall render advice to the Executive Committee with regard to promotion of the objectives of the Association.
General Secretary
- The General Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of the records of the Association.
- The General Secretary shall attend to all the activities as approved by the Executive Committee.
- After holding Annual General Body Meeting, the General Secretary shall record the minutes of meeting and circulate among all the members, the:
- List of names addresses and occupation of the members of the Executive Committee
- An annual report of the previous year
- Certified copies of the balance sheet and the auditor’s report.
The treasurer shall keep the records of Alumni Association funds. He / She will ensure in the General Body meetings that the budgetary grants are correctly utilized. In addition, he / she will liaise with the college accounts branch and the Auditors of the Association.
The Amendment in the constitution of the Alumni Association can be done at any time with the consent of the General Body members provided that provisions of powers lie to the President.
- The proposal to amend the Constitution shall be at the instance of the signed requisition by at least 25 alumni.
- Bye-laws will be framed by the Executive Committee and can be amended by the Executive Committee.
Finances and Accounts
The Association shall raise funds for pursuing the objectives of the Association through:
- Subscriptions from the members – The rate of subscription shall be governed by the Bye-Laws of the Association. The membership fee from the passing out students will be collected by the Institute and transferred to the Alumni Association.
- Money donated by the members. The donation shall normally be made by cheque /draft/online/online on college website portal.
- Any other source approved by the Executive Committee.
- Any two from amongst the President, General Secretary and Treasurer shall operate the funds of the Association subject to general approval of the Executive Committee.
- The accounts of the Association shall be maintained in the Bank Account into which all subscriptions, donations and other income shall be credited.
- Financial year of the Association shall be from April 1st to March 31st of the following year.
- The services of a reputed investment advisor may be engaged on suitable terms.
- Withdrawals from the invested funds shall be made only with the approval of the Executive Committee to be ratified by the General Body later on.
- The accounts of the Association shall be maintained by the Treasurer in the manner prescribed by the Association members.
- The accounts of the Association shall be audited once a year by a Chartered Accountant or an equivalent Institute representative, to be appointed by the General Body.
Records of the Association
The following records shall be maintained by the Association:
- Electronic Database of all the members along with their contact details.
- Minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings.
iii. Minutes of the General Body Meetings.
- Stock Register of non-consumable and consumable items.
- Cash Book and Ledger.
- Receipts and vouchers.
vii. All publications, reports and souvenirs of the Association.
viii. All documents as required by law under Societies Regulation Act 1860.
- Any other relevant record.
- These records shall include details of all sums of money received and the sources thereof and all the sums of money spent and the purpose.
- Every member of the General Body shall have the right of inspection of records of the Association during the office hours.
Closure of Association
The closure up of the Association shall be carried out as per section 13 & 14 of the societies Regulation Act 21 of 1860.
Procedure of Election
- Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected in the General Body Meeting or by means of an online election through simple majority of votes.
- President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Joint Secretary shall be elected by the Members of the Executive Committee.
- A notice of the General Body Meeting may be served on any member either personally or by sending it through ordinary post or through newspaper advertisement or through electronic mode.
- It shall be the duty of a member to keep the Association informed about his/her current address so that proceedings of the Association activities and meeting notice could be sent to him/her.
Financial powers of the General Secretary
For non-budgeted items, the financial powers of the General secretary shall be limited to Rs.25,000/- subject to the approval of President/Chairman.
The rates of subscription for life membership at the time of application shall be as follows:
Rs. 2000/- as the Life Membership (for ten years) for all Alumni
Rs. 500/- as the annual Alumni membership
Local Chapters
- The Local Chapters may elect President and Secretary to manage the affairs of the Chapter. A meeting of all members of the chapter must be convened at least once a year.
- The Secretary should furnish the names and addresses of the office bearers and a list of members of the Local chapter to the Honorary Secretary of the Association once a year.
- The Local Chapters may raise funds through suitable rate of subscription from the members.
- The Local Chapters will receive a copy of the Annual General Body Meeting report and other publications of the Association.