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Dr. Harleen Kaur

Dr. Harleen Kaur

Dr. Harleen Kaur

Assistant Professor (Physics)

Email ID: Phone Number: 9463167212

Areas Of Interest

  • Sold state physics

Educational Details

Degree University Year

Journal Papers

  • HarleenKaur, M.M.Sinha, Study of Phonons in CaSiO3Perovskite at Lower Mantle Pressure, Asian Journal of Chemistry, vol: 21(10), no: 0970-7077 , pp: S172-175, 2009
  • M.M.Sinha , HarleenKaur, Phonon Properties of Silicate Perovskites MgSiO3 and CaSiO3 , Integrated Ferroelectrics, vol: 118, no: 1607-8489 , pp: ,129–135 , 2010
  • HarleenKaur , M.M.Sinha, Lattice Dynamical Investigations of Raman and Infrared Wavenumbers of Scheelite Structured Silicates , Physica B, vol: 478, no: 0921-4526 , pp: 47–51 , 2015
  • HarleenKaur , M.M.Sinha, Study of Raman and Infrared Modes in Reidite , Adv. Sci. Letters, vol: 21, no: 1936-7317, pp: 2895-2897, 2015

Conference Papers

  • HarleenKaur , M.M.Sinha, .A Lattice Dynamical Investigation of Raman and Infrared Wavenumbers of USiO4 , National Conference on Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics (AMRP- 2015), Mar 13 - Mar 14, 2015, SLIET, Longowal, India, pp: AIP Conf. Proc. 1675, 030085
  • HarleenKaur , M.M.Sinha, A Lattice Dynamical Investigation of the Raman and the Infrared Phonons of TmPO4 Crystal, National Conference on Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics (AMRP- 2015, Dec 22 - Dec 22, 2024, SLIET, Longowal, India, pp: AIP Conf. Proc. 1675, 030086
  • HarleenKaur , M.M.Sinha, Lattice Dynamical Studies of Raman and Infrared Modes in HfSiO4, International Conference on Frontiers in Materials and Applications (FMRA – 2014, Oct 30 - Oct 31, 2014, SBSSTC, Ferozepur, India, pp: FMRA-2014 Conf.Proc., 978-93
  • , , Study of Raman and Infrared Modes in Reidite, International Conference on Computational Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science (IWCCMP- 2014), Nov 25 - Nov 30, 2014, ABV IIITM, Gwalior, India, pp: