IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial online test
Posted By bbsbec3 on April 5, 2018
IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial online test was successfully conducted @BBSBEC campus in Computer Centre Labs of CSE Department on 5th April 2018. Students from various branches (CSE, IT) appeared for the online test for free softwares (part of IIT Bombay FOSS – Free open-source software Project). Training for FOSS softwares was given by faculty in this current semester from Jan-April 2018. This online test provided platform for the BTech. students to test their subject knowledge and skillset. Objective type test of 45 mins. was conducted for softwares such as Linux, Python, Advanced C++, Java. Overall, 348 students of various branches of 4th, 6th sem. participated in this one-day event. Faculty coordinators, Invigilators & students made every possible effort for the overall conduct and training of the softwares through softwares and video lectures available from IIT Bombay. Many students, who cleared the online test, were able to download their certificates directly from Spoken Tutorial website. Principal BBSBEC, Major Gen. (Dr.) GS Lamba congratulated faculty and staff for same & appreciated their whole-hearted and sincere efforts in making such initiatives successful.