Institution of Engineers (I) Chandigarh and Department of ECE jointly organized a seminar on Research
Posted By bbsbec2 on April 23, 2018
A one day workshop on “Mathematical modelling and Optimisation of systems” was organized jointly by IE(I) Chandigarh section and Department of ECE, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib. Dr. Kavita, Post Doctorate, Belgium was the resource person. She shared her research experience of Belgium. Dr. T S kamal was the Chief Guest and S. S S Mundi was the chief organizer. S. Jagdeep Singh, District Coordinator of Maths, Fatehgarh Sahib was the Guest of Honor. Dr. Gurcharan Singh Lamba, said that Mathemodelling is necessary for every research problem and to publish research papers in reputed SCI journals. Dr. Amrinder Singh, AP spoke about the need of latex platform and its ease of use. Dr. R S Uppal, Dr. T S Panag, Dr. Supreet Singh Prof. Kiranpreet Kaur also spoke in the seminar. Mr. S S Mundi presented the vote of thanks. Seminar was sponsored by IE(I) Chandigarh.