FDP cum Training session for KV schools (Punjab & Chandigarh)’ @IIT Bombay Remote Centre (BBSBEC) held on 17 March, 2018
Posted By bbsbec3 on March 20, 2018
BBSBEC organized ‘Faculty Development Programme (FDP) cum Training session’ on “Web portal Optimizing skills” for the Principals, Faculty, and Admission coordinators of Kendriya Vidyalaya schools (Punjab & Chandigarh region) on 17th March, 2018. FDP was conducted by Department of CSE, BBSBEC,FGS in collaboration with IIT Bombay.
It is a matter of great pride that this was the first programme organized at BBSBEC after the establishment of IIT Bombay Remote Centre(RC)@BBSBEC having Remote Centre Code:1390. This FDP was broadcasted and live-streamed from IIT Bombay. Programme started at 9:30am.
The occasion was graced by Ms. T.Rukmani, Asstt. Commissioner, KV Schools (Punjab & Chandigarh region). Dr. Baljit Singh Khehra, HoD CSE addressed the delegates at the start of the programme and highighted the importance of such training programmes for faculty.
FDP included: Face-to-Face interaction with teachers, Hands-on-Training/Orientation in Lab, and concluded with discussions/clarification reg. Web portal.
BBSBEC holds the unique distinction for organizing such technical event in collaboration with IIT Bombay (Initiated by NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. Of India). Dr. Kanwalvir Singh Dhindsa (Professor CSE) & Prof. Atul Kumar, Coordinator & Co-coordinator of RC@BBSBEC respectively, presented vote of thanks and highlighted the process of establishment of IIT Bombay Remote centre@BBSBEC.
Organizing committee made all out efforts for the successful conduct of this training session for KV school Principals and its faculty. More than 50 delegates from various districts were trained in this FDP. FDP ended on high note with visit to various departments@BBSBEC.