Inauguration of Mobile Application Development Programme
Posted By bbsbec3 on July 9, 2018
AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme on “Mobile Application Development” was inaugurated at Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering. College, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab on July 09, 2018. On Inauguration day, Major General Dr. G. S Lamba, Principal of the College and Dr. Baljit Singh, Head of the Department welcomed Chief Guest, Dr. Prakash Khosla (Scientist & Associate Director, TBRL, DRDO Chandigarh) and Guest of Honor, Dr. Maninder Singh, Professor & Head CSE department (TIET, Patiala) in the presence of program coordinator Dr. Kanwalvir Singh Dhindsa (Professor CSE) and program co-coordinator Prof. Puneet Mittal. Dr. Kanwalvir Singh Dhindsa informed about the number of participants who have been registered for this programme in his introductory speech. Dr. G.S. Lamba also welcomed and honored renowned delegates and faculty from various states including Jammu, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh participating in the programme.
Dr. Baljit Singh Khehra, Chairperson of the event, acquainted the participants with the aim of the event and canvass how the FDP will provide a common platform to the faculty members of engineering colleges to focus on exploring various research opportunities and challenges in these latest areas.
During the inauguration session, Dr. Prakash Khosla discussed various advantages of the application development, mobile application components and Networking support. He also introduced the participants with the sessions planned for FDP and how this event is beneficial for them. During the FDP they will be given insights on topics such as Android Platform, Building Mobile Application, GUI Architecture of Android, Interaction of Android devices with servers, Database Connectivity, creating a Google Map application in Android, publishing an application in the PlayStore, Sensors and Location based Services, Client Server programming, Web services, Applicability to industrial projects, Case Studies, Mini Project, etc. Dr. Maninder Singh told the audience about the importance of this Faculty Developement Programme. He also told that this FDP will nurture the research aptitude and competency development to the young faculty members, either doing research or planning to undertake research work under the domain of Computer Science and IT, including M. Tech. Scholars. Inaugural day event was concluded with tree plantation so as to encourage participants to support environmental well-being.