Dr. Gursewak Singh Brar

Dr. Gursewak Singh Brar
Professor & H.O.D.
Email ID: gursewak.singh@bbsbec.ac.in Phone Number: 8872035214 Office Number: 8872035214 CV:ResumeAreas Of Interest
- Electrical Machines
- Power System and Energy System using Soft Computing Techniques
- Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering
- Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering
Subjects Taught
- Power System
- Electrical Machines (AC & DC)
- Advance Power System Analysis
- High Voltage Engineering
- Advance Instrumentation Engineering
- Advance Electrical Machine
- Optical Metirials and Tecniquies
Additional Responsibilities
- Head of Department Electrical Engineering
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
Oct,1996 | Dec,1996 | Lecturer | S.L.I.E.T., Longowal |
Sept,1998 | Jan,2007 | Lecturer | A.P., L.L.R.I.E.T., Moga |
Feb,2007 | Sept,2008 | Lecturer | BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib |
Sept,2008 | Aug, 2011 | Assistant Professor | BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib |
Aug.,2011 | June 2016 | Associate Professor& Head EED | BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib |
July 2016 | till date | Professor & Head EED | BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib |
Educational Details
Degree | University | Year |
Ph.D.-Electrical Engineering | Punjab Technical University Jalandhar | 2010 |
M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering | Punjab Technical University Jalandhar | 2003 |
BE.- Electrical Engineering | Punjab University Chandigarh | 1996 |
- Life Membership of ISTE G
- Life Membership of IAEN
- Member board of studies Electrica
- Engineering, PTU, Jalandha
- Member World Scientific Press, USA
- Reviewer-Engineers Australia Technical Journals
M-Tech Thesis Supervised
Topic | Scholar Name | Year |
Design and Development of Neuro-Fuzzy Logic based duty cycle control for baby incubator- | Asha Saxena | 2012 |
Mathematical Modeling for Performance Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generator Using Matlab- | Jaspreet Kaur | 2011 |
Optimization of Different Parameters in Distributed Generation using GA-2011- | 2011 | Neeraj Sharma |
Automatic Generation and Distribution Control of Interconnected Power System | Rahul Agnihotri | 2011 |
An efficient GA method for Optimal Capacitor Placement on Radial Distribution System- | Shikha Gupta | 2011 |
Artificial Neural Network based Evaluation of Suitability of Effluents for Electricity Generation- | Ruchika Bansal | 2009 |
Development of Fuzzy Logic Model for Induction Motors Stator Condition Monitoring- | Dipunjit Singh | 2009 |
4. Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabilizer- | Deepika Kalyan | 2008 |
Design and Development of an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Load Frequency Control Model for Gain Scheduling- | Amanpreet Kaur | 2008 |
Design of Substation Grounding System- | Dwarka Prasad | 2008 |
Allocation of Facts Devices for Optimal Use of Transmission Line by Different Techniques- | Ranjit Kumar Bindal | 2008 |
Journal Papers
- Gurjot Singh, Gursewak Singh, Study the effect of deferent Parameters on Electromagnetic Flow Meter , International journal of Research in Electrical Engineering, vol: 3, no: 2 March 2016 , pp: 48-52, 2016
- Kuljinder Singh, Gursewak Singh, Tuning of PID controller using Fuzzy Logic controller & Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) , vol: 3, no: ISSN (online): 2349-6495 Impact Factor-2.465(PIF)1.317(JIF) IBI-3.2, SJIF-4.072, pp: 113-116, 3 ,March 2016
- Gurjot Singh , Gursewak Singh, Study the effect of deferent Parameters on Electromagnetic Flow Meter , International journal of Research in Electrical Engineering , vol: 3, no: 2 , pp: 48-52, March 2016
- Harpreet Kaur , Gursewak Singh, High Speed Digital Protection of EHV Line Using Travelling Waves , International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) , vol: NA, no: NA, pp: 448-453, 2016 (ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391)
- Amarpreet Singh , Gurswewak Singh , Impact of IT Implementation in Power Distribution Sector , International Journal for Scientific Research and Developement (IJSRD) , vol: 4, no: 3, pp: NA , May 2016 (ISSN Online:23210613)
- Jaswinder Singh, Gursewak Singh, Meter Data Acquisition System Implementation: (a lesson learned) , International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) , vol: 3, no: ISBN -2349-6495, pp: 47-51, 2 ,Feb 2016
- Karun Puri , Gursewak Singh, Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units for Power System Observability Using A Hybrid of Genetic and Cuckoosearch (CS-GA) Algorithm , International Journal of Science and Research(IJSR) , vol: 4,, no: ISSN Online :2319-7064 Impact Factor:4.438, pp: NA, 06,June,2015
- Kiranpreet Kaur, Gursewak Singh, Solar-Biomass Hybrid Electrical Power Generation for a Village , International journal of Engineering Development and Research, vol: Feb-2015, no: ISSN:2321-9939, pp: 20-22, Feb-2015
- Mandeep kaur , Gursewak Singh, Design and Cost-Analysis of an Integrated Photovoltaic System for a Multipurpose Building , International journal of Engineering Development and Research , vol: Feb 2015 , no: ISSN:2321-9939., pp: 23-27 , Feb 2015
- Sagrika,, Sandeep Sharma, Gursewak Singh , Security in Cloud Computing Technosciences, National Journal On Computer Science and Information Technology, Lyallpur Khalsa College for Women Jalandhar , vol: - 1 , no: NA, pp: 12-14 , 2015 (ISSN 2394-7942)
- Rishi Dev Joshi, Gursewak Singh, Effect on Magnetic abrasive with different range of Electrical Parameters , International journal of Engineering technology and advanced engineering, vol: 4, no: 9, pp: 663-668, 2014
- Bindiya Jain, Jyoteesh Malhotra, Gursewak Singh, A Survey on Design and Development of Energy Efficient Cross Layer Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks , International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, vol: E-ISSN: 2321-9637, no: 4, pp: 273-277 , ,April 2014
- Surinder Vir Singh, Joiea, Gursewak Singh, DGA based Condition Monitoring of Power Transformer , International Journal of Computer Applications, vol: 1 , no: NA, pp: 12-14, 2013
- Guneet Kour , Jaswanti, Gursewak Singh, Optimal placement of static VAR Compensator in power system , ,International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) , vol: 4, no: 5, pp: 2030-2036, 2012 ISSN:0975-5462
- Ram Singh, Navdeep Kaur , Gursewak Singh, Optimal placement of DG in Radial Distribution network for minimization of losses , International Journal of Advanced Reserch in Electrical , Electrinics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE, vol: 1, no: 2, pp: 84-90, 2012 ISSN:2278-8875
- Guneet Kour , Jaswanti , Gursewak Singh, Static VAR Controller based Power Flow Control in Distribution System by GA , International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), vol: 2,, , no: 3, pp: 1857-1862 , 2012 ISSN:2248-9622
- Shikha Gupta, Gursewak Singh, An efficient approach for capacitor sizing and location on a radial distribution system using artificial intelligence techniques , Journal of Engineering Research and Studies, vol: 2,, no: 2, , pp: 50-54 , 2011 E-ISSN0976-7916
- Yaduvir Singh , Yadwinder Singh Brar, Gursewak Singh, An Efficient Data Based Controller Using Back-Propagation and Bi-directional Associative Memory Neural Network Architectures for a Multi Compressor System , Journal of Advanced Research in Fuzzy and Uncertain Systems, Irvine, CA,USA , vol: vol.1, , no: (1),, pp: 17-40, 2009 (ISSN:1943-1430)
- Yadwinder Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh, Gursewak Singh, An efficient Knowledge discovery algorithm using fuzzy entropy in multi-compressor system: a case study , AMSE Journal of Advances and Modelling in Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition, France , vol: 51 , no: 3, pp: 47-60 , 2008 (ISSN:1260-4543)
- Yadwinder Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh, Gursewak Singh, Design and Development of An Efficient Algorithm and its Software Code for Performance Analysis of Parallel Multi-Compressor System , International Engineering and Technology , Journal of Electrical Analysis , vol: Vol.2, , no: (2), pp: 052-061, 2008 (ISSN:0973-8088)
- Yadwinder Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh, Gursewak Singh, “Design and Development of an Efficient Data Clustering Algorithm of a Data Based Controller for a Multi- Compressor System Using Fuzzy Logic , AMSE Journal of Advances and Modelling in Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition, France , vol: 50, no: 3, pp: 78-87 , 2007 (ISSN:1260-4543)
- Yadwinder Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh, Gursewak Singh, “An Efficient Data Clustering Algorithm using Fuzzy Logic for Control of a Multi Compressor System , International Engineering and Technology, Journal of Electrical Analysis, , vol: 1 , no: 2, pp: 130-136, 2007 (ISSN:0973-8088)
- Yadwinder Singh Brar , Yaduvir Singh, Gursewak Singh, “ Implementation and Comparison of Contemporary Data Clustering Techniques for a Multi-Compressor System: a Case Study , WSEAS Transaction on System and Control , Wisconsin USA , vol: 2 , no: 9, pp: 442-449 , 2007 (ISSN:1991-8763)
Conference Papers
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Advancement in distribution system through HVDS Vinay Chawla , National conference on advancements in Alternate Energy Resources for Rural Application, , Aug 20 - Aug 21, 2015, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, India, pp: 206-208
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Roopak Aggarwal , Economic load dispatch considering environmental constraint , Proceeding of national conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering(AEECE-2015), Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2015, IETE-BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib , Feb. 20-21, 2015 , pp: C52-C56 ISBN-978-81-920451-4-6)
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Amarjit Singh , Identification and Classification of faults on on Transmission Lines using Wavelet Analysis-A review , Proceeding of national conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering(AEECE-2015), , Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2015, IETE-BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib , India, pp: C07-C09 ISBN-978-81-920451-4-6)
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Kiranpreet Kaur , Solar –Biomass hybrid electrical Power generation , Proceeding of national conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering(AEECE-2015), Feb. , 2015 , Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2015, IETE-BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib , India, pp: ISBN-978-81-920451-4-6)
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Ram Singh, Assessment of Bioenergy Potential for Distributed Power Generation from Crop Residue in Indian state, Punjab , International Conference on Advancements in Engineering & Technology (ICAET-2015, Mar 20 - Mar 21, 2015, Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engg. & Tech. Sangrur, Punjab,, India, pp: 667-670 ISBN 978-81-924893-0-8
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Mandeep Kaur , Integration of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic system , Proceeding of national conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering(AEECE-2015, Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2015, IETE-BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib , India, pp: B23-B27 ISBN-978-81-920451-4-6)
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Ranvir Kaur, Charnjit Singh, Performance of Induction motor in view from PSCAD and LVDAC-EMS , Proceeding of national conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering(AEECE-2015), , Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2015, IETE-BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp: B15-B19 ISBN-978-81-920451-4-6)
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Maninder Kaur, Steady state performance of three phase Induction motor under unbalanced voltage conditions –a review, , Proceeding of national conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering(AEECE-2015), , Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2015, IETE-BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib , India, pp: B12-B14 ISBN-978-81-920451-4-6)
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Sagrika, Sandeep Sharma , A Survey of Various Security Algorithms in Cloud Environment , Proceeding of national conference , Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2014, Punjab Science Congress , PTU, Kapurthala, india, pp: ISSN no. E048
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Ravinder Kaur , Cost Effectiveness and Efficiency Enhancement of A Cogeneration Plant (A Case Study) , Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Technologies (REACT-13), Apr 19 - Apr 20, 2013, GNDEC Ludhiana , India, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Ranvir Kaur, Review: optimal transfer Function for servomechanism , National Conference on Power & Energy Management (PEMCON-2012), Mar 24 - Mar 12, 2025, B.B.S.B. Engg. College Fatehgarh sahib , india, pp: ISBN-978-81-920451-3-9
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Ram Singh , Navdeep Kaur, Distributed Generation :A Review , National Conference on Power & Energy Management (PEMCON-2012),, Mar 24 - Mar 25, 2012, B.B.S.B. Engg. College Fatehgarh sahib , india, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Guneet Kour , Jaswanti , Unified power flow controllers in transmission line , National Conference on Power & Energy Management (PEMCON-2012), Mar 24 - Mar 25, 2012, B.B.S.B. Engg. College Fatehgarh sahib , india, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Asha Sexana , An efficient Neuro-Fuzzy duty cycle control for baby incubator , National Conference on Power & Energy Management (PEMCON-2012), Mar 24 - Mar 25, 2012, B.B.S.B. Engg. College Fatehgarh sahib , india, pp: ISBN-978-81-920451-3-9
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Rahul Agnihotri, Neeraj Sharma, Optimal Controller for Thermal Generation , National Conference on Power & Energy Management (PEMCON-2012),, Mar 24 - Mar 25, 2012, B.B.S.B. Engg. College Fatehgarh sahib, india, pp: ISBN-978-81-920451-3-9
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Gunneet Kour, Jaswanti , Effect of SVC in Poer Distribution , National Conference in Emerging Trends in Engineering Technologies & Sciences for Sustainable Development , Jun 5 - Jun 6, 2012, JNU New Delhi , india, pp: 257-264
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Guneet Kour, Jaswanti , Optimal Placement of Static VAR Compensators in Power System , International conference of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) , May 5 - May 6, 2012, NA, india, pp: ISSN:0975-5462
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Guneet Koor, aswanti , Impact of Static Var Compensators on power system:A case study , International confeence on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, May 5 - May 6, 2012, , Chandigarh, india, pp: ISBN:978-93-81693-98-8
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Rahul Agnihotri, Raju Sharma, Optimum Controller for Automatic Generation Control , HPAGC,Springer –Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,, Jul 19 - Jul 20, 2011, Chitkara University, india, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Jaspreet Kaur , Solution of complicated electric circuit using symbolic mathematic , National Conference on Recent advances in computational techniques in Electric Engineering, Feb 25 - Feb 26, 2011, SLIET Longowal ,, india , pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Ruchika Bansal, Use of ANN to check the Suitability of a effluents for electricity generation April 15-16 2010 NA NA, International conference IECTTE-2010, , Apr 15 - Apr 16, 2010, SSIET, Dera Bassi, Punjab, India , pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Neeraj Sharma, Simulation of reactive power compensation and power transfer capability of transmission line using ETAP , International conference IOCP,, Dec 20 - Dec 22, 2010, GNDEC Ludhiana, Punjab , India , pp: ISSN:0974-3588
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Shikha Gupta, Navdeep Kaur, Capasitor placement on a distribution system for loss reduction using GA. , International conference IOCP, Dec 20 - Dec 22, 2010, GNDEC Ludhiana, Punjab , India , pp: ISSN:0974-3588
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Dipaanjit Singh, Navdeep Kaur, Design and Development of Fuzzy Logic based induction Motor Condition Monitoting System , Proceedings of National Conference on Power System and Energy Management ,, Apr 15 - Apr 16, 2009, IET Bhaddal , India , pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Dwarka Parsad, Navdeep Kaur Brar , Significance of Step and Touch Voltages , International conference on ICIT, Mar 15 - Mar 16, 2009, PDM College of Engineering Bahadurgarh ,Haryana , India , pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Amanpreet Kaur, Navdeep Kaur, Design & Development of an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Load Frequency Control Model for Gain scheduling October 18-19 2008 NA NA, International conference on Wireless Networks & Embedded Systems,, Oct 18 - Oct 19, 2008, Chitkara University ,Rajpura, Punjab , India , pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Yadwinder Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh, An Efficient Data Based Controller Using Advance Neural Network Architecture for a Multi Compressor System , All India Seminar on energy Management in Indian Perspective , Oct 17 - Oct 18, 2008, UPS Centre Luckhow, India , India, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Ranjit Bindal, Navdeep Kaur, Allocation of Series Compensating Devices Techno-Economic Operation of Power Systems , and March. 1-2, 2008 NA NA, National Conference on Advances in power Systems and Energy Management, Mar 1 - Mar 2, 2008, ( APSEM), CIET Rajpura , India , pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Yadwinder Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh , Comparison and Deployment of Various Data Clustering Techniques to a Process Control Data , National Conference on Current Trends in electrical Engineering (CTEE-08), , Feb 14 - Feb 15, 2008, G.Z.S. College of Engineering & Technology,Bathinda, India, India , pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Yadwinder Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh , A Fuzzy entropy Algorith for data extrapolation in multi- compressor system , International conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (World Congress on Engineering, Jul 2 - Jul 4, 2007, Imperial College London, UK , London, UK , pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Navdeep Kaur, SS Saini , Energy Consumption And Prospects Energy Technology in a Village of Punjab ,, April 6-6, 2007 NA NA, National Conference on INOVATION -2007, Apr 6 - Apr 6, 2007, BBSBEC Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Harjinderpal Singh, Inderpal Singh, A Simple Control Scheme for a Full Bride Topology of a Single Phase Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) , National Conference on INOVATION -2007, Apr 6 - Apr 6, 2007, BBSBEC Fatehgarh Sahib , India, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh , Yadwinder Singh Brar, Design and development of an efficient fuzzylogic based algorithm for a multi-compressor system , International conference on Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Energy Efficiency and Envirnment,, Jun 10 - Jun 11, 2006, UP Technical University , Lucknow, india, , India, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Harkanwaldeep, Hardware Implementation of Linear Prediction Coefficient Algorithm , , Jan. 20-21, 2006 NA NA, National Conference on Advancment in Modelling and Simulation (AIMS-2006), Jan 20 - Jan 21, 2006, LLRIET Moga, India, pp: NA
- Gursewak Singh Brar, Yadwinder Singh Brar, Yaduvir Singh , Design and Development of an Intelligent Data Handling Algorithm Using Fuzzy Logic , Advancment in Modelling and Simulation (AIMS-2006), Jan 20 - Jan 21, 2006, LLRIET Moga, India , India , pp: NA