Faculty Electrical Engineering
Dr. Lakhwinder Singh
Professor,Dean Academics & Head of Agriculture Engineering Department
Power System Operation and Control, Multi-objective thermal dispatch, Optimization Techniques, Power Quality, Fuzzy Theory and Soft Computing Applications in Power System.
Dr. Gursewak Singh Brar
Professor & H.O.D.
Electrical Machines , Power System and Energy System using Soft Computing Techniques, Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering
Er. Navneet Kaur Panag
Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale)
Biomedical Inst, control and Instrumentation and image processing
Dr. Amarjeet Kaur
Assistant Professor
Power system analysis, economic load dispatch, unit committment., Non conventional energy sources, Power System Optimization
Er. Divya Gupta
Assistant Professor
Power Systems, , Optimisation techniques, , Artificial intelligence, Power System Operation Control,, Deregulation,, MATLAB software
Er. Simarpreet Singh
Assistant Professor
Fuzzy Logic Control Systems, Power systems, Automatic Generation Control
Dharminder Kumar
Assistant Profssor
Power System, Electrical machines, Solar hybrid System