Student Activities
A poster making competition ‘EXOPLANET’ was organised by the students of 5th semester, ECE department on 12th August,2019 under the guidance of IEI student chapter Advisor Prof. Kiranpreet Kaur and Teacher incharge , Prof.Prabhjot Kaur based on the theme ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’.
2. All India Seminar on Role of Embedded Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks
ECE Department of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering collegeorganised an All India Seminar on Role of Embedded Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks. It was scheduled for 2 days, 11th-12th October 2018 comprising of 4 sessions by eminent speakers. The inauguration ceremony, held on 11th October 2018 began with a warm welcome of the Chief Guest, Dr. Prashant Kumar, Scientist and honorary Assistant Professor at AcSIR, Special Guest, Er. Mandeep Kumar and dignitaries, Dr. T S Kamal, Vice-President, IEI, Chandigarh and Er. SS Mundi, Chief Secretory, IEI, Chandigarh. Seminar Coordinator, Dr. T S Panag welcomed the guests and gave brief introduction about the contents of the Workshop.
3. One Week workshop on “Advanced Wireless Communication and its implications”
All India one Week workshop on “Advanced Wireless Communication and its implications” was conducted from 10th Sept to 14thSept , 2018 by ECE Department, BBSB Engineering College, in collaboration with IE(I) India. Invited expert speakers from industry, academia and research to give the participants the wide exposure and hands-on experience for advanced wireless communication. In the inaugural session, Sam Darshi, Department of EE, IIT Ropar was the chief guest and keynote speaker and Dr. T S kamal was the guest of honour. Dr. Supreet Singh, coordinator and Dr. R S Uppal, convener of the workshop discussed the objectives, importance of such a workshop. There were about 46 registered participants including faculty and students members.