Dr. Manpreet Kaur Arora

Dr. Manpreet Kaur Arora
Associate Professor, HOD RIC & Alumni Cell Coordinator
Email ID: manpreet.arora@bbsbec.ac.in Phone Number: 9814818606Areas Of Interest
- Surface Engineering, High Temperature Corrosion, Erosion, Wear
Subjects Taught
- SOM, EMM, ATH, Fluid Mechanics
Additional Responsibilities
- Deputy Exam Controller
- In-charge EMM Lab
- Alumni Cell Head
- Head of Department Research and Innovation Center
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
June 2016 | till date | Associate Professor | Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib |
July 2009 | May 2016 | Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) | Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib |
Educational Details
Degree | University | Year |
M.Tech Industrial Materials and Metallurgy | Punjab University | 2000 |
Ph.D. Mechanical(Studies On The Role Of High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel Spray Coatings To Enhance Erosion-Corrosion Resistance Of Boiler Steels) | Punjab Technical University | 2011 |
- Life Membership, Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE) India
- Member, Institution of Engineers (AMIE) India
Journal Papers
- Kaur, M., Singh, H. , Prakash, S. , High Temperature Exposure Studies of HVOF Sprayed Cr3C2-25(NiCr)/ (WC-Co) Coating, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, available online, vol: NA, no: NA, pp: NA, 2016
- Singh J. , Kaur M. , Sliding Wear Behaviour of High Velocity Oxy Fuel Spray Coated Tool Steels, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, vol: 8, no: ISSN:0974-584X, pp: 97-102, 2015
- Singh S., Kaur, M. , Solid particle erosion behaviour of NiCrFeSiBC/Cr3C2 composite coatings-Part II, Surface Engineering Journal, available online, vol: NA, no: NA, pp: NA, 2014
- Singh S., Kaur, M. , Mechanical and microstructural properties of NiCrFeSiBC/Cr3C2 composite coatings-Part I, Surface Engineering Journal, available online, vol: NA, no: NA, pp: NA, 2014
- Vohra H, Mann H. S , Kaur, M. , High Velocity Oxy-Fuel spray formed Bulk Aluminium Matrix composites-Development and Characterization, International Journal of Thermal Technologies, vol: 3, no: 1, pp: 1-9, 2013
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., X-Ray Diffraction Study of HVOF Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr Coating, Advanced Materials Research, vol: 620, no: NA, pp: 186-192, 2013
- Singh G. , Kaur, M, Preparation of Aluminum Based Metal Matrix Composite by Thermal Spaying, International Journal of Surface Engineering and Materials Technology, vol: 1, no: 2, pp: 45-49, 2012
- Singh G., Vohra H., Kaur, M., Fabrication and Characterization of Aluminium Matrix Composites by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Thermal Spraying, Advanced Materials Research, vol: 585, no: NA, pp: 317-321, 2012
- Kaur, M. , Singh, H. , Prakash, S., High-temperature Behavior of a High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr Coating, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol: 43A, no: NA, pp: 2979-2993, 2012
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Studies on Role of Detonation-gun Sprayed WC-Co Coatings to Combat High Temperature Corrosion of Boiler Steel, International Journal of Surface Engineering and Materials Technology, vol: 1, no: 1, pp: 33-38, 2011
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Surface Engineering Analysis of Detonation-gun Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr Coating under High-Temperature Oxidation and Oxidation-Erosion Environments, Surface and Coatings Technology Journal, vol: 206, no: 2-3, pp: 530-541, 2011
- Kaur, M., Singh, H, Prakash, S., Role of Detonation-gun Spray Cr3C2-NiCr coating in Improving High Temperature Corrosion Resistance of SAE-213-T22 and SAE-347H Steel in the Presence of Na2SO4-82%Fe2(SO4)3 Salt Deposits, Surface Engineering, vol: 26, no: 6, pp: 428-439, 2010
- Kaur, M., Singh, H. , Prakash, S., High Temperature Corrosion Studies of HVOF Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr coating on SAE-347H Boiler Steel, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, vol: 18, no: 4, pp: 619-632, 2009
- Kaur, M., Singh, H. , Prakash, S., A Survey of the Literature on the Use of High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Spray Technology for High Temperature Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion Resistant Coatings, Anti-corrosion Methods and Materials, vol: 55, no: 2, pp: 86-96, 2008
- Kaur, M., Singh, H. , Prakash, S., Some Observations regarding Erosion-Corrosion Performance of HVOF-Sprayed Cr3C2- NiCr and Cr3C2- NiCr-(25) WC-Co coatings in Actual Boiler Environment, Advanced Materials Research, vol: 26-28, no: NA, pp: 1345-1348., 2007
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Use of High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Spray Technology to Combat Hot corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion of Materials-A Survey, Trans Indian Institute of Metals, vol: 60, no: 6, pp: 587-597, 2007
Conference Papers
- Singh S., Kaur M. , Wear and Friction Behavior of Plasma Nitrided Hot Forming Tool Steels, International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition, May 11 - May 14, 2015, Long Beach,California., America, pp: NA
- Sharma N., Kaur M. , Tribological behaviour of the Bare and Thermal sprayed Hot Forming Tool Steels, International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition , May 11 - May 14, 2015, Long Beach, California, America, pp: NA
- Singh J. , Kaur M. , Wear and Friction Analysis of Plasma Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr Coating"., International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition , May 11 - May 14, 2015, Long Beach, California, America, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S. , High Temperature Exposure Studies of HVOF Sprayed Cr3C2-25(NiCr)/ (WC-Co) Coating, Proc. ‘International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition, Nov 24 - Nov 26, 2014, Hyderabad, India, pp: NA
- Grewal S. S., Kaur M. , Development and Characterisation of Plasma Nitrided AISI H11 Steel,, International Conference on “Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering” [AFTMME-2014], Oct 16 - Oct 18, 2014, PTU, Jalandhar, India, pp: NA
- Singh J., Kaur M. , Sliding Wear Behaviour Of High Velocity Oxy Fuel Spray Coated Tool Steels, International Conference on “Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering” [AFTMME-2014] , Oct 16 - Oct 18, 2014, PTU, Jalandhar, India, pp: NA
- Sharma N., Kaur M. , Friction And Sliding Wear Behaviour of Bare And Thermal Sprayed Tool Steels, International Conference on “Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering” [AFTMME-2014], Oct 16 - Oct 18, 2014, PTU, Jalandhar, India, pp: NA
- Sharma V. , Kaur M. , Process Parameter Optimization Of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining For Mg Alloy (Az91c) Using Taguchi Methodology, International Conference on “Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering” [AFTMME-2014] , Oct 16 - Oct 18, 2014, PTU, Jalandhar, India, pp: NA
- Parmar N., Verma S., Rana A. S., Mittal L., Kaur M., High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Some Boiler Steels Subjected to Na2SO4-82Fe2(SO4)3 Molten Salt Environment, International Corrosion Prevention Symposium for Research Scholars ‘CORSYM 2014, Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2014, Victor Menezes Convention Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay., India, pp: NA
- Singh M., Singh M., Kaur, M., High Temperature Oxidation Behaviour of Nickel and Cobalt Based Superalloys Used In Gas Turbines- A Comparative Study, International Corrosion Prevention Symposium for Research Scholars ‘CORSYM 2014, Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2014, Victor Menezes Convention Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay., India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H, Prakash, S., Role of Silicon in Reducing High Temperature Oxidation of High Velocity Oxy-fuel Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr Coating, CORCON 2013, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2013, The Lalit, New Delhi, India, pp: NA
- Singh S., Kaur, M., Radhey Sham., Characterization and Mechanical Properties of High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Sprayed Composite Coating Deposited on Boiler Tube Steel, CORCON 2013, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2013, The Lalit, New Delhi., India, pp: NA
- Singh G., Vohra H. , Kaur, M. , Fabrication and Characterization of Aluminium Matrix Composite by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Thermal Spraying, International conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Challenges and Opportunities - 2012 , Nov 3 - Nov 5, 2012, IIT, Roorkee, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H, Prakash, S., , X-Ray Diffraction Study of HVOF Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr Coating, International Conference on X-Rays & Related Techniques in Research and Industry 2012(ICXRI2012), Jul 3 - Jul 5, 2012, Universiti Sains, Malaysia , Malaysia , pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Erosion-Corrosion Performance of Detonation-gun Spray WC-Co Coatings on ASTM-SA213-T22 and SAE-347H Boiler steels in Actual Boiler Conditions, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing, Dec 9 - Dec 11, 2011, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., High Temperature Resistant Thermal Spray Coatings- Present Status and Future Trends, International Symposium on Surface Protective Coatings and Indo-German Conference on Surface Engineering , Dec 7 - Dec 9, 2011, The Sheraton, Bangalore by SSPC India Chapter, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Erosion-corrosion Behaviour of HVOF Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr Coatings on SAE-347H Steel in Actual Boiler Environment, CORCON 2010" International Conference & Expo on Corrosion , Sep 23 - Sep 26, 2010, Goa, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Evaluation of High Temperature Oxidation Behaviour of Detonation-gun Spray WC-Co coatings on SAE-213-T22 Boiler Steel in Air Environment, World CORCON 2009" International Conference & Expo on Corrosion , Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2009, Mumbai, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S. , High Temperature Oxidation Behaviour of Cr3C2-NiCr Coatings deposited by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) Technology, Conference of Metallurgist (COM 2008), Aug 24 - Aug 27, 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, pp: 31-42
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S. , Hot Corrosion and High Temperature Oxidation Performance of WC-Co Coatings by Detonation-gun Spray on A Boiler Steel, International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition (ITSC2008), Jun 2 - Jun 4, 2008, Maastricht, Netherlands, pp: 18
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Some Observations regarding Erosion-Corrosion Performance of HVOF-Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr and Cr3C2-NiCr-(25)WC-Co coatings in Actual Boiler Environment, The Sixth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, Nov 5 - Nov 7, 2007, ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Use of WC-Co and Cr3C2-NiCr HVOF Spray Coatings to enhance Erosion-Corrosion Resistance of Boiler Steels, International Conference on ‘Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AME2006), Dec 1 - Dec 3, 2006, BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp: 288-294
- Singh, S. , Kaur M. , Analysis of High Velocity Oxy Fuel Sprayed composite coating deposited on boiler steel SA-210 GrA1, National Conference on Latest Development in Manufacturing and Quality Control -2014 , Feb 13 - Feb 14, 2014, GZS college Bathinda, India, pp: NA
- Singh, S., Kaur M. , Studies on HVOF Sprayed Composite Coating Deposited on Boiler Tube Steel for the analysis of Mechanical Properties & Microstructural investigation of SA 210 Gr. A1, National Conference on Emerging zone in Science and technology-2014, Jan 17 - Jan 18, 2014, GGSWU Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M. , Singh, H., Prakash, S., Studies on Role of Detonation-gun Sprayed WC-Co Coatings to Combat High Temperature Corrosion of Boiler Steel, National Conference on “Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering” [AFTMME-2011] , Oct 7 - Oct 8, 2011, PTU, Jalandhar, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M. , Bala, N.,, Singh, H., Thermal Spraying for Steam Generation Plants, National Conference in Recent Advances in Mechanical & Production Engineering LDMPE-08, Jun 13 - Jun 14, 2008, RIMT-IET Mandi Gobindgarh, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Singh, H., Prakash, S., Role of Thermal Spray Technologies in Surface Engineering, National Conference on ‘Energy, Environment, Ecosystem and Sustainable Development (EEESD-2005), Aug 4 - Aug 5, 2005, BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp: NA
- Thareja, P. , Kaur M. , Impact of Energy on Quality in Manufacturing Industry, National Conference on ‘Energy, Environment, Ecosystem and Sustainable Development (EEESD-2005), Aug 4 - Aug 5, 2005, BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp: NA
- Singh, L., Singh, J., Kaur, M., Internal Finishing of Brass Tubes by Magnetic Abrasives, National Conference on ‘Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Mar 26 - Mar 27, 2004, BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp: NA
- Singh, J., Singh, L. , Kaur, M., A Bold New Vision, National Conference on ‘Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Mar 26 - Mar 27, 2004, BBSB Engg. College, Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp: NA
- Kaur, M., Thareja, P., Impact of Energy on Quality, National Conference on ‘Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering, Oct 31 - Oct 31, 2003, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala, India, pp: NA
Patents Information
- EROSION-CORROSION RESISTANT COATING FOR POWER PLANT BOILERS 75Cr3-C2-25NiCr88 WC-12CoSi, Inventor’s name- Dr. Harpreet Singh, Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Satya Prakah , Patent Filed (Awaiting Examination)
- HOLDING FIXTURE FOR CYLINDRICAL SUBSTRATE ON VERTICAL MILLING MACHINE, Inventor’s name - Jobandeep Singh, Supreet Singh ,Dr. Manpreet Kaur ,Dr. Harpreet Singh ,Dr. Satbir Singhsehgal , Patent Filed (Awaiting Examination)
- ENERGY EFFICIENT NON ELECTRIC LAMP WITH AUTOMATIC FUEL LEVEL MAINTAINING MECHANISM, Inventor’s name - Supreet Singh, Jobandeep Singh, Dr Manpreet Kaur, Hitesh Goel, Dr Vivek Jain, Dr Amandeep Singh Oberoi, Gagan Mavi, Amanpreet Singh, Gurpal Singh, Vidyadhar Biswal & Bhupinder Singh , Patent Filed
- INK REFILLING DEVICE FOR WHITEBOARD MARKER PEN AND MECHANISM OF USE THERE OF, Inventor’s name - Supreet Singh, Jobandeep Singh, Hitesh Goel, Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Satbir Singh Sehgal, Mohit Kumar, Satinder Pal Singh, Gagneet Kaur , Patent Filed (Awaiting Examination)