Er. Jatinderpal Singh Raina
- Signals & Systems
- Electronic Devices, Human Resource Management
- Marketing Management
- Signals & Systems,
- Electronic Devices, Analog Devices &Circuits, Electronic Measurement &Instrumentation,
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing Managementgnals
- M.Tech Coordinator(ECE)
- Director Physical Education &Sports
From |
To |
Designation |
Organisation |
2000 |
2001 |
Lecturer |
GNDU Amritsar |
01-08-2001 |
till date |
Assistant Professor (Selection grade) |
Degree |
University |
Year |
M.Tech |
PTU Jalandhar |
2008 |
- Associate member IE (I) Chandigarh
Topic |
Scholar Name |
Year |
Improved Genetic Algorithm Based PID Controller |
Sanjiv Kumar |
2010 |
Algorithm of Back Propagation Network Implementation in VHDL”. |
Amit Goyal |
2010 |
Design of Low Power FIR Filter Coefficients using Genetic algorithm (Optimization). |
Shaveta Goyal |
2010 |
Miniaturization of Antenna Using Fractals |
Preeti Gupta |
2010 |
Artificial Neural Network Based Face Detection Using Gabor Wavelet Transform |
Avinash Kaushal |
2010 |
A Proposed Algorithm for MANET’s Security |
Jyoti Rani |
2010 |
Comparative Analysis of AES and RC4 Algorithms for better utilization”. |
Nidhi Singhal |
2011 |
To Explore the Use of KL and SA Algorithms for Optimization of VLSI Circuit Partitioning. |
Gurjot Singh |
2012 |
An Intelligent Diagnosis System(GUI Based) for Electrocardiogram (ECG) Images Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). |
Jasminder Kaur |
2012 |
Highly Improved Motion Sensing Algorithm Based on Normalization of Real Time Imaging. |
Kamna Kohli |
2013 |
Advance Scheme Foe Secret Data Hiding Using Steganography. |
Ishwarjot Singh |
2013 |
Fuzzy Logic Based Adaptive Image Denoising . |
Monica Sharma |
2013 |
A study and Proposed Approach for the Improvement of QoS in VIMAX. |
Ritika Rani |
2013 |
Human Ear as Bio-metric Information: Statistical and DCT based Feature Set Extraction. |
Nisha |
2013 |
Cuckoo based Energy Effective Routing in Wireless Sensor Network. |
Gurpreet kaur Bhatti |
2014 |
Energy Enhancement in WSN Using PEGASIS Protocol. |
Neha |
2014 |
BFO Based Optimized Positioning For Black Hole Attack Mitigation in WSN. |
Manvi Arya |
2014 |
Implementation and Comparision of SC-FDMA and OFDMA in LTE Physical Layer. |
Priya Gupta |
2014 |
Metamaterial Electromagnetic Absorber Using Frequency Selective Surfaces. |
Simrat |
2015 |
An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for wireless body area network. |
Ramanpreet Kaur |
2016 |
Performance Enhancement of cerially concatenated codes by BPSK AND QPSK Techniques |
Hardeep Singh |
2017 |
Amit Goyal,, JPS Raina,
Algorithm of Back Propagation Network Implementation in VHDL”. ,
International journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, ,
vol: 2 ,
no: 2,
pp: 529-532,
Shaveta Goyal, JPS Raina,
Design of Low Power FIR Filter Coefficients using Genetic algorithm (Optimization). ,
International journal of Computer Science and Communication,
vol: 1,
no: 2,
pp: 1-5,
Preeti Gupta, JPS Raina,
Miniaturization of Antenna Using Fractals,
International Journal of Computer Science & Communication ,
vol: 1,
no: 2,
pp: 437-440,
Avinash Kaushal, JPS Raina ,
“Face Detection using Neural Network and Gabor Wavelet Transform”. ,
International journal of Computer Science and Technology,
vol: 1,
no: 1,
pp: 58-63,
Jyoti Rani, JPS Raina ,
A Proposed Algorithm for MANET’s Security,
International journal of Information Sciences and Application,
vol: 2,
no: ,
pp: ,
Nidhi Singhal, JPS Raina,
Comparative Analysis of AES and RC4 Algorithms for better utilization”.,
International journal of Computer Trends and Technology,
vol: ,
no: ,
pp: ,
Gurjot Singh, JPS Raina,
Comparative Analysis of KL And SA Partitioning Algorithms Implemented On VLSI Circuit Partitioning,
International refereed journal of Engg & Science (IRJES),
vol: 1,
no: 3,
pp: ,
Jasminder Kaur, JPS Raina,
An Intelligent Diagnosis System for Electrocardiogram (ECG) Images Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).,
International journal of electrical, electronics and computer engineering,
vol: 1,
no: 1,
pp: 47-51,
Kamna Kohli , JPS Raina, Anshul,
Motion Detection Algorithm.,
International journal of computer science & applications (TIJCSA) ,
vol: 1,
no: 12,
pp: ,
Ishwarjot Singh, JPS Raina,
Advance Scheme Foe Secret Data Hiding System using Hop-field & LSB.,
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) ,
vol: 4,
no: 7,
pp: ,
Monica Sharma, JPS Raina, Sarabjit Kaur,
Fuzzy Logic Based Adaptive Image Denoising . ,
International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications (IJCTA) ,
vol: 4,
no: 3,
pp: ,
Ritika Rani, JPS Raina,
A study and Proposed Approach for the Improvement of QoS in VIMAX.,
International Journal of Computer Science and Technology(IJCST) ,
vol: 4,
no: 1,
pp: ,
Nisha, JPS Raina, ,Jatinder Kansal,
Statistical Analysis of DCT Coefficient for Ascertaining Ear Biometrics. ,
International Journal of Science &Research(IJSR) ,
vol: 2,
no: 3,
pp: ,
Gurpreet kaur Bhatti, JPS Raina,
Cuckoo based Energy Effective Routing in Wireless Sensor Network. ,
International journal of Computer science and communication Engineering,
vol: 3,
no: 1,
pp: ,
Neha, JPS Raina,
Enhance Energy Utilization in WSN by using Chain Based Protocol. ,
International journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication,
vol: 2,
no: 5,
pp: ,
Manvi Arya, JPS Raina,
BFO Based Optimized Positioning For Black Hole Attack Mitigation in WSN. ,
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology,
vol: 14,
no: 1,
pp: ,
Priya Gupta, JPS Raina,
To analyze the Power Spectral Density and PAPR of OFDMA and SCFDMA.,
International journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Research,
vol: 3,
no: 3,
pp: ,
Ms. Simrat,, JPS Raina,
Design, Analysis and Simulation of Metamaterial Electromagnetic Absorber. ,
International Journal of Innovative in Computer and Communication Engineering,,
vol: 3,
no: 11,
pp: ,
Ramanpeet Kaur,, JPS Raina,
An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for wireless body area network.,
International Journal of SK International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Hub ,
vol: 3,
no: 4,
pp: ,
Hardeep Singh, JPS Raina,
Performance Enhancement of cerially concatenated codes by BPSK AND QPSK Techniques,
International journal of Innovation in Engineering and Technology ,
vol: 8,
no: 1,
pp: ,
JPS Raina, Supreet Singh,
1. “The next Industrial revolution – Nano Technology”,
National Seminar on some aspects of recent trands in Engg. & Technology ,
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
JPS Raina , Sanjiv Kumar,
“Immune Genetic Algorithm in PID for Level Control Systems” ,
National Conference of recent Trends in Electronics & Communication,
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
SUSCET, Tangori, ,
JPS Raina,
“Transmission Techniques ataton ,
National Conference ETC 2K9 ,
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
SVIET. Banur Mohali,
JPS Raina, Vikas Goyal,
" Wireless Transmission Techniques” ,
National Conference ETC 2K9 ,
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
SVIET Banur, Mohali,
JPS Raina , Nidhi Singhal,
“Comparative Analysis of AES and RC4 Algorithms for better utilization”,
national conference (AICTE and DRDO sponsored ) on "Signal Processing and Embedded Systems Applications",
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
CMR college of Engineering and Technology,Hydrabad,
pp: 681-687
JPS Raina, Jasminder Kaur,
“ Comparative Study of Digital Time Series and Neural Network Techniques of ECG signals for abnormality Detection,
National Conference on Innovative & Emerging Technologies In Computing Mathodology- IECM-2012, ,
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
Marudhar Engg College, Bikaner, Rajasthan,
JPS Raina, Neha, Neeraj Kumari ,
“Pegasis Protocol to Enhance Energy Utilization” ,
PTU sponsored National conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Management (ETEM- 2014),
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
KCCEIT, Nawanshahr pb.,
JPS Raina,
“Next Generation Networking-NGN” at , dated: ,
International Conference on Wireless Networks & Embedded Systems (WECON-2008),
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
Chitkara Institute of Engg & Technology, Rajpura (Pb),
JPS Raina, Amit Goel,
“Algorithm of Back Propagation Network Implementation in VHDL” ,
International Conference WECON,
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
Chitkara Institute of Technologies Banur, Mohali,
JPS Raina , Jasminder Kaur,
“Arrhythmia Detection from ECG Signals by Computer Aided Automated Systems using Neural Network Techniques: A Comparative Study” ,
international conference on “electronic communication & instrumentation,
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
SR group of institutions Jansi ,
pp: 293-298
JPS Raina, Nisha, Jatinder Kansal,
“Analysis of Ear Biometrics by Using DCT Coefficients” ,
international conference on Electronics Communication & Information Technology ,
Mar 26 - Mar 26, 2025,
Thapar University Patiala,
JPS Raina, Monica Sharma,
“An Effective Histogram Based Method for Salt and Pepper noise reduction” ,
international conference on Electronics Communication & Information Technology ,
Oct 4 - Oct 5, 2013,
Thapar University Patiala,