Er. Kamaldeep Kaur

Er. Kamaldeep Kaur
Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Email ID: kamaldeep.kaur@bbsbec.ac.in Phone Number: 9814010211 CV:ResumeAreas Of Interest
- Communication Systems , Digital Systems ,Microcontroller and Embedded systems
Subjects Taught
- Optical Fiber Communication
- Microcontroller and Embedded Systems
- Digital System Design
- Basics of Electronics Engineering
- Digital Electronics
- Analog Communication Systems
- Digital Communication Systems
- Linear Integrated circuits
- Information Theory and Coding
- Computer Networks
- Human Resource Managemrnt
- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Engineering Economics and Industrial Management
- Fundamental course in Humanities(Development of Societies)
- Energy Management
- Linear Control System
Additional Responsibilities
- Performed as Spoken Tutorial Coordinator for B-tech 7th semester students throught out Complete Session july-dec 2016
- Mentor of Sixth semester
- coordinator of ERP of ECE department for session July to Dec 2019
- Performed duty as Superintendent in July to Dec 2018 in final PTU external examination
- Counselling of students for promising career, assisting in paper presentation, helping in drafting international/ national papers.
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
2005 | till now | Assistant Professor | BBSBEC FGS |
Educational Details
Degree | University | Year |
M.E | Punjab University | 2005 |
B.Tech | Punjab Technical University | 2003 |
M-Tech Thesis Supervised
Topic | Scholar Name | Year |
Implementation of shortest routing in network topology using MATLAB | Nitu Rana | 2010 |
Real time algorithms for carrier recovery in 16- QAM receivers | Meenu Arora | 2011 |
Design and VLSI Implementation of self tested DMA Controller | Mandeep Singh | 2008 |
Hybrid approach to optimize mesh reconstruction using Delaunay and ball pivoting algorithm | Bharti Sood | 2013 |
Heart rate variability analysis by using non linear techniques and their comparison | Harish Kumar | 2014 |
Design module for data transfer between Bluetooth device and flash drive using USB host controller | Harpreet Singh | 2015 |
performance of STBC based TFT OFDM and SC-FDMA with adative modulation | Yasmeen | 2015 |
Face Recognition and Signature verification with neural network using GABOR wavelet and discrete wavelet transform | Manpreet Kaur | 2016 |
To provide efficient Qos for VoIP | Amarpal Singh | 2009 |
Design and Development of Ortogonal Frequecy Division multiplexing | Monika Majara | 2008 |
Performance of CDMA system in the worst case scenario | Vandini Kharyal | 2010 |
A hybrid model to identify flaws in fabric | Neeru Gupta | 2013 |
Capacity enhancement of DWDM System to 1.6 Tbps using EDFA and DCF with narrow channel spacing | Urvashi Bansal | 2015 |
Performance evaluation and anaysis of 2 Tbps MDRZ with DWDM system at ultranarrow channel spacing | Ragini | 2015 |
Design of Image Filters for image processing | Satinder Kaur | 2007 |
Analysis of Image watermarking technique using different transforms | Navjeet Kaur | 2007 |
Journal Papers
- harpreet singh, kamaldeep kaur, FLASH DRIVE COMMUNICATION USING EMBEDDED SYSTEM, International journal of Engineering and Computer Science, vol: Volume 3 Issue 2, no: ISSN: 2319-7242, pp: pp-3947-3950 , February, 2014
- Urvashi bansal, Kamaldeep kaur, 1.6 Tbps High speed long reach DWDM system by incorporating Modified duobinary modulation scheme , International journal of Current engineering and Technology, vol: vol.4,issue 6, no: ISSN 2347-5161.(, pp: pp.4047-4051, dec 2014
- Urvashi bansal, Kamaldeep kaur, Capacity enhancement of DWDM system using EDFA and DCF with narrow channel spacing, International journal of Applied sciences and engg. Research, vol: .vol.3,issue 5,, no: ISSN 2277 – 9442, pp: , 2014
- Urvashi bansal, kamaldeep kaur, 14 Role of Laser Linewidth in high speed DWDM system by incorporating Duobinary modulation Scheme, International Journal of Computer Application , vol: vol 109 No 15, no: 0975-8887, pp: 30-32, jan 2015
- Yasmeen, kamaldeep kaur, 16 “Performance of STBC based OFDM AND SC-FDMA with adative modulation, International journal of engineering development and research(IJEDR), vol: VOL.3,ISSUE 3, no: ISSN: 2321-9939, pp: , july 2015
- MANPREET KAUR, kamaldeep kaur, Face Recognition and Signature verification with neural network using GABOR wavelet and discrete wavelet transform, international journal of engineering development and research(IJEDR), vol: VOLUME 4,ISSUE 2 , no: ISSN:2321-9939 , pp: , MAY 2016
- harpreet singh, kamaldeep kaur, 10 Design Module For Data Transfer Between Bluetooth Device And Flash Drive Using USB Host Controller , International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD), vol: Volume 1,Issue 5, no: ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , pp: , May 2014
- Neeru, Kamaldeep kaur, A Hybrid model to identify flaws in textile, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research(IJMER), vol: VOL2,ISSUE 4, no: ISSN: 2249-6645, pp: PP-2181-2184, 2012
- neeru, kamaldeep kaur, An automatic method to inspect Discontinuities in textile, international journal of computer science engg.and technology , vol: vol 1,issue 8 , no: ISSN:2231-0711, pp: , sep 2011
- Deeptiprit Kaur, Jaspreet Kaur, Kamaldeep Kaur, Digital image watermarking: Challenges and Approach for a Robust algorithm, International journal of Electronics Engineering, vol: 1, no: 1, pp: 95-97, june 2009
Conference Papers
- Adaptive Noise Cancellation Using LMS and NLMS , “International conference on ECO-Sensitive developments in Science and Technology ESDST-2017 , Jan 20 - Jan 21, 2017, BBSBEC Fatehgarh Sahib in association with department of science and technology and MRSPTU Bathinda, India, pp: N A
- Implementing QOS For VOIP Traffic, International Conference On Wireless Networks And Embedded Systems(WECON-2008), Oct 18 - Oct 19, 2008, Chitkara Institute Of Engineering and Technology,Rajpura, India, pp: NA
- Design of genetic algorithms based machine in VHDL, International Conference on Downtrend Challenges in IT , May 22 - May 22, 2009, PCTE ,Ludhiana on 22nd May,2009 organized by, India, pp: NA
- QAM Demodulation using Joint Phase Carrier Recovery Method on 11 september 2009 , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communications, Sep 11 - Sep 11, 2009, Indo Global College of Engineering , Abhipur, Mohali., India, pp: NA
- Comparison of Wavelet CDF 9/7 And Lifting Wavelet Transform in Image Watermarking 23 -24 octob er 2009 organized by , International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems , Oct 23 - Oct 24, 2009, Chitkara Institute Of Engineering and Technology , Rajpura, India, pp: NA
- Delaunay and crust algorithm based efficiency comparison from 3D point cloud, 2nd international conference on computer science and IT applications , Nov 6 - Nov 6, 2011, New Delhi, India, pp: N A
- Wireless hand glove operated mode, All India Seminar on RECENT INNOVATIONS IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING, Feb 23 - Feb 24, 2017, BBSBEC Fatehgarh sahib in association with The Institution of Engineers, India, pp: NA
- DWDM System using different modulation formats and Dispersion Compensation Schemes , National Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering (AEECE-2015) , Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2015, BBSBEC FGS, India, pp: NA
- Overview of adaptive modulation schemes, National Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Communication Engineering (AEECE-2015) , Feb 20 - Feb 21, 2015, BBSBEC FGS, BBSBEC FGS, India, pp: