Dr. Sonia

Dr. Sonia
Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Email ID: sonia.malhotra@bbsbec.ac.in Phone Number: 9814916184 Office Number: 01763-504600Areas Of Interest
- Wireless networks
- Communication Systems
Subjects Taught
- Communication systems, Wireless networks, Data communication Networks, Network Theory
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
Educational Details
Degree | University | Year |
B.Tech | PTU, Jalandhar | 2002 |
M.Tech | PTU, Jalandhar | 2008 |
Ph.D | Thapar Institute of Engg andTechnology, Patiala | 2019 |
M-Tech Thesis Supervised
Topic | Scholar Name | Year |
Journal Papers
- Sonia, Parallel Algorithm for Computing EDT with New architecture, International Journal Electronics and Communication Engg and Technology, vol: 1, no: 0976-6472, pp: 1-10, May,2010
- Sonia, Prolonging the Lifetime and Optimizing the Energy of Wireless Sensor Network System using Mobile Sensor Nodes, International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology, vol: 2, no: 2230-7109, pp: 79-83, September 2011.
- Sonia, Analysis of Write Power consumption for Single Gate and Dual gate MOS based SRAM, International Journal of Engineering and Science, vol: 2, no: 2278 - 4721, pp: 1-6, February 2013.
- Sonia, Improved Switching Technique in Soft handovers in Wimax Networks, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, vol: 1, no: 2278-0181 , pp: 1-5, July 2012
- Sonia, Performance Analysis of Moments of Queue Length Distribution in M/M/1 and M/Er/1 Queues, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, vol: 1, no: 2278-0181 , pp: 1-4, july 2012
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Mobile Ad-hoc Routing Protocols Under Varying Node Densities, International Journal of Computers and Technology, vol: 3, no: 2277-3061, pp: 317-323, Oct 2012
- Sonia, Performance Evaluation of MANET Routing Protocols with Scalability and Node Density Issue for FTP Traffic, International journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software engineering, vol: 3, no: 2277-128X, pp: 543-548, May 2013
- Sonia, To Study the Impact of Varying node Density and Traffic Type of 802.16e based OPNET Model, International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research , vol: 2, no: 2278-7844, pp: 469-673, June 2013
- Sonia, Information Embedding and Authentication in Medical Images Using Least Difference Method, International journal of Advanced research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol: 2, no: 2278-8875, pp: 3092-3100, July 2013.
- Sonia, Review on Routing Protocols in Mobile-Adhoc Networks, International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering”, Volume 1, Issue 10, , vol: 1, no: ISSN:2347-4718, pp: , June-2014
- Sonia, An Adaptive Hello Messaging Scheme in On-Demand MANET Routing Protocols, International Journal of Research in Information Technology, vol: 1, no: 2001-5569, pp: 347-354, July 2014
- Sonia, Comparative Analysis of Full Adders Using different MOS Technologies, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, vol: 1, no: 2348 – 4470, pp: 145-149, August 2014
- Sonia, Analysis of LTE Wireless Networks using Subcarrier and Power Allocation Opmization Algorithm, International Journal of Electronics Engineering, vol: 7, no: 1973 –7383, pp: 22-29, Jan-June 2015
- Sonia, A Review on Channel Capacity Enhancement In OFDM, International Journal of Recent Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol: 2, no: 2349-7815, pp: 101-106, July- September 2015
- sonia, Comparative Analysis of DWDM System Using OADM at Different Data Rate, Distance and Channel spacing, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, vol: 4, no: 2321-9939, pp: 1205-1209, May 2016
- Sonia, A New Improved CLDB Routing Protocol for VANETs, International Research Based Journal, vol: 3, no: 2348-1943, pp: , May 2016
- Sonia, Improved Channel Capacity and Interference Reduction in ML-SFR for Wireless Communication Systems, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR), Vol.4, Issue 2, pp.1425-1429, June 2016, ISSN:2321-9939., vol: 4, no: 2321-9939, pp: 1425-1429, June 2016