Dr. Tripatjot Singh Panag
- Wireless sensor networks, Data communication networks, Optimization, Signal/Image processing, Wired/ Wireless communication
- Digital System Design, Wireless Communication, Circuit Theory, Programming
- Officer Incharge(ECE), PTU Regional Centre, BBSBEC
- Convener, UPS maintenance
- Member, Student Grievance Redressal Committee
From |
To |
Designation |
Organisation |
August 2001 |
July 2002 |
Lecturer |
IET, Bhaddal, Ropar |
August 2002 |
July 2009 |
Lecturer |
BBSB Engineering College |
July 2009 |
September 2009 |
Assistant Professor |
BBSB Engineering College |
September 2009 |
Till Date |
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) |
BBSB Engineering College |
Degree |
University |
Year |
B.Tech in ECE |
2001 |
M.Tech in ECE |
2008 |
Ph.D |
SLIET, Longowal |
2017 |
- Life Member, ISTE
- Life Member, IEI
Topic |
Scholar Name |
Year |
Performance analysis of two-way relaying transceiver hardware impairments over Student-T fading channel |
Sunil Kumar |
2019 |
Implementation and analysis of an optimal sensor deployment algorithm (OSDA) for WSNs |
Kawalpreet Kaur |
2017 |
Analyzing the Performance of a Genetic Algorithm for Deployment of sensors in WSN |
Navneet Kaur |
2016 |
Zone based energy-efficient multi-hop data transmission in wireless sensor network |
Inderjit Singh |
2016 |
An Event driven approach to Scalable Energy Efficient Clustering Hierarchy in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Navdeep Kaur Cheema |
2016 |
Shivani Dadwal |
Coverage Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Network using Augmented Lagrange Method |
2015 |
Design and Testing of a Software for the Prediction of Late Blight in Potatoes |
Jaspreet Grewal |
2015 |
FPGA based Hardware Efficient Design of Sharpened CIC Decimation Filter |
Sukhpreet Singh |
2015 |
FPGA based Design of Optimized Digital Down Converter |
Rajpreet Singh |
2015 |
Heterogeneous Multimodal Biometric System with Fuzzy Vault Template Security |
Mukhwinder Singh |
2014 |
Design and Simulation of MIMO Elliptical Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wi-Fi Network |
Rajesh Hooda |
2014 |
Design, Deployment and Testing of a Wireless Sensor Network and Weather Forecast Based Irrigation Regulator System |
Ravinder Singh |
2014 |
Design and Evaluation of Neural Network based Adaptive Link Rate Controller |
Neha Aggarwal |
2013 |
Simulation Based Comparative Analysis of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Routing Protocols under Various Trajectories |
Saloni Singla |
2013 |
Performance Comparison of Single and Multipath Routing Protocols in Adhoc Networks |
Deepinder Singh |
2012 |
Cryptography Using Sequential Circuits and Chaotic Neural Network |
Harpreet Kaur |
2011 |
Comparative Analysis of 4-Bit Adders and Multipliers Using CMOS Logic |
Harmanjot Singh |
2011 |
Analysis of Variations in Received BER with Modulation Techniques, Diversity Combining and Channel Coding |
Poonam Kampani |
2011 |
MATLAB based Digital IIR Filter Designing |
Uma Sharma |
2010 |
Wavelet Transform and its Application in Image Compression |
Sanjeev Kumar |
2010 |
Tripatjot Singh Panag, J.S. Dhillon,
Predator–prey optimization based clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks,
Neural Computing and Applications,
vol: ,
no: ,
pp: ,
Priyanka Handa, Tripatjot Singh Panag, Balwinder Singh Sohi,
Reducing Delay Of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Energy Efficient Unequal Clustering Routing Algorithm,
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research,
vol: 8,
no: 11,
pp: 3185-3189,
Priyanka Handa, Tripatjot Singh Panag, Balwinder Singh Sohi,
Enhancing Packet Delivery Ratio and a lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks using Energy-Efficient Unequal Clustering Routing Algorithm,
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering ,
vol: 8,
no: 12,
pp: 376-382,
Priyanka Handa, Tripatjot Singh Panag, Balwinder Singh Sohi,
Energy-Efficient Unequal Clustering Routing Algorithm for WSNs,
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE),
vol: 8,
no: 3,
pp: 5540-5548,
Tripatjot Singh Panag, J.S. Dhillon,
Maximal coverage hybrid search algorithm for deployment in wireless sensor networks,
Wireless Networks (Springer; ISSN: 1022-0038),
vol: 25,
no: 2,
pp: 637-652,
Tripatjot Singh Panag, J.S. Dhillon,
Dual head static clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks,
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier; ISSN: 1434-8411),
vol: 88,
no: ,
pp: 148-156,
Tripatjot Singh Panag, J.S. Dhillon,
A novel random transition based PSO algorithm to maximize the lifetime of wireless sensor networks,
Wireless Personal Communications,
vol: 98,
no: 2,
pp: 2261-2290,
Kawalpreet Kaur, Tripatjot Singh Panag,
Implementation and analysis of an optimal sensor deployment algorithm (OSDA) for WSNs,
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,
vol: 4,
no: 8,
pp: 47-53,
Tripatjot Singh Panag , J. S. Dhillon,
Two stage grid classification based algorithm for the identification of fields under a wireless sensor network monitored area,
Wireless Personal Communications (Springer),
vol: 95,
no: 2,
pp: 1055-1074,
2016, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3813-8
Inderjit Singh, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Zone based energy efficient clustering routing protocol for wireless sensor network,
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
vol: 3,
no: 4,
pp: 12-16,
Navneet Kaur , Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Development and evaluation of a GUI based tool for deployment of sensors in a WSN using genetic algorithm,
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science,
vol: 1,
no: 3,
pp: 103-107,
Navdeep Kaur Cheema, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
An Event Driven Approach to Scalable Energy Efficient Clustering Hierarchy in Wireless Sensor Network,
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development,
vol: 3,
no: 6,
pp: ,
Jaspreet Grewal, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Design and Testing of a Software Tool for Prediction of Late Blight in Potato Crop,
International Journal of Engineering Development and Research,
vol: 3,
no: 3,
pp: ,
Ravinder Singh, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Design, Deployment and Testing of a WSN and Weather Forecast based Irrigation Regulator System,
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development,
vol: 1,
no: 5,
pp: ,
Rajpreet Singh, Tripatjot Singh Panag , Amandeep Singh Sappal,
FPGA Implementation of Optimized Decimation Filter for Wireless Communication Receivers,
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,
vol: 2,
no: 4,
pp: 3989-3995,
Saloni Singla, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Evaluating the Performance of MANET Routing Protocols,
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology,
vol: 4,
no: 1,
pp: 125-130 ,
Deepinder Singh Wadhwa, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Performance Comparison of Single and Multipath Routing Protocols in Adhoc Networks,
International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications,
vol: 2,
no: 5,
pp: 1485-1495,
Navneet Kaur , Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Evaluating the performance of a GA for deployment of nodes in a WSN,
IRF International Conference,
Sep 18 - Mar 26, 2025,
pp: 26-31
Inderjit Singh, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
A Survey on clustering based routing protocols in wireless sensor networks,
National Symposium on Modern Information and Communication Technologies for Digital India (MICTDI),
Apr 9 - Apr 10, 2016,
IETE centre Chandigarh and CSIO, Chandigarh,
Shivani Dadwal, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Enhancing coverage of a sensor field using augmented Lagrange optimization,
TEQIP-II sponsored National Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Electrical Engineering (ACMEE-2016),
Mar 25 - Mar 26, 2016,
Deptt. of EIE, SantLongowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Punjab,
pp: 204-208
Tripatjot Singh Panag , J.S. Dhillon,
Heuristic Search Algorithm (HSA) for Enhancing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks,
17th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Aug 20 - Aug 21, 2015,
United Kingdom,
pp: 2033-2039
Shivani Dadwal, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Optimization of Average Distance Based Self-Relocation Algorithm Using Augmented Lagrangian Method,
Second International Conference on Computer Networks and Data Communication (CNDC-2015),
Jul 25 - Jul 26, 2015,
pp: 193-203
Ravinder Singh, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Using Technology in Agriculture to Save the Falling Water Table in India,
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Cutting Edge Technology, Delhi, pp 688-696, and International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science,
Sep 28 - Mar 26, 2025,
pp: 688-696
Shivani Dadwal, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Sensor Deployment Strategies for WSNs,
TEQIP sponsored Third National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Technologies (RAECT-13) ,
Mar 21 - Mar 22, 2013,
by Deptt. of ECE, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab,
pp: 412-419
Saloni Singla, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Performance Comparison of MANET Routing Protocols on the basis of Throughput and Delay,
National Conference on Recent Developments in Electronics NCRDE-2013 ,
Jan 18 - Jan 20, 2013,
University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi,
Tripatjot Singh Panag , Navneet Kaur Panag,
Comparison of SDC, MRC and EGC in Wireless Communication over Fading Channels,
International Conference on Future Challenges in Wireless Communication, Optical Communication and Networks,
Nov 27 - Nov 29, 2010,
Baba Banda Singh Baadur Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab,
pp: 27-29
Navneet Kaur Panag, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Time Domain Feature Extraction and Classification of MUAPS for Neuromuscular Disease Diagnosis,
International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Assistive Technologies,
Dec 17 - Dec 19, 2010,
NIT, Jalandhar,
pp: 54
Navneet Kaur Panag, Tripatjot Singh Panag ,
Statistical Technique for Classification of MUAPs for Neuromuscular disease,
International Conference ICFCA2010,
Mar 20 - Mar 21, 2010,
IISc, Bangalore,