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Course Outcomes (Batch 2016 & 2017)

Batch 2016 & 2017

Course Outcomes

Semester : 1st/2nd

Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 1st/2nd
Course: Basics of Computer Programming
Course Code: BCSE0-101
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Describe algorithm, pseudo codes and programming structures. K1
II Use syntax, semantics and different constructs to develop a program in ‘C’ language. K3
III Implement programs related to  mathematical and logical problems in ‘C’ language. K3
IV Use of simple data structures, pointers, memory allocation and data handling for various applications through files in ‘C’. K3
V Identify the role of functions, arrays, storage classes in programming. K1
VI Implementation of  various file related operations. K2
K1: 2, K2: 1, K3: 3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 1st/2nd
Course: Course: Basics of Computer Programming
Course Code: BCSE0-102
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Identify the various hardware and software parts of computer system and define the basic working of operating system. K1
II Describe the working of control panel, Command prompt & Run command. K2
III Understand the menance of viruses and antivirus software and recognize the terms related to internet i.e. IP addresses, URL, Protocols and Domains. K2
IV Use the package of MS Office for documentation, powerpoint presentations and creating graphs. K3
V Understanding the fundamentals of C Programming. K1
VI Implement a simple program by writing the code, testing the code and debugging the program in C language. K3


Semester : 3rd

Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Data Structures
Course Code: BCSE1-302
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Comprehend the basic concepts of data structure, algorithm and asymptotic notation K1,K2
II Construct linear and non -linear data structures and use them in designing applications like sorting, expression tree etc. K3
III Acquire the ability to apply and implement learned algorithm design technique to solve problems in engineering. K3
IV Choose and apply appropriate data structures for complex engineering applications K2
V Access the factors/methods of advanced problem solving in the broadest context of technological change. K2


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Object Oriented Programming using C++
Course Code: BCSE1-303
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Acquire basic knowledge and understanding of object oriented concepts. K1
II Design real world applications by developing programming skills with modern tool usage. K3
III Access factors/methods required for re-designing of programs for better customer satisfaction. K2
IV Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of programming principles and apply these to one’s own work as member and leader in a team, to manage the project in multidisciplinary environment. K2
V Adhere to ethical programming principles and norms of engineering practices. K2


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Digital Circuits & Logical Design
Course Code: BCSE1-304
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Acquire knowledge about fundamental concepts used in digital electronics e.g. number system, Boolean algebra & basic gates. K2
II Solve the problem related to number system conversion, minimization techniques and their application in digital design. K2,K3
III Identify, analyze and design combinational and sequential circuits. K1,K3
IV Study and compare various memory devices and signal conversion techniques. K1,K2
V Develop skill for creating cost effective solution by reducing the complexities of digital systems. K2,K3
VI Apply digital concepts for solving real world problems. K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Computer Architecture & Organization
Course Code: BCSE1-305
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Understand how computer hardware has evolved to meet the basic needs of multiprocessing systems, Instruction set and CPU Architecture. K2
II Identify and compare the properties of memories and levels of parallelism. K1,K2
III Apply instruction set and pipelining concept to enhance the system’s performance with modern tool usage. K3
IV Solve the problems related to computer architecture. K3
V Analyse the cost issues and design trade-off in designing and constructing computer processors including memories. K2
VI Apply mathematical concepts of memory organization to solve the computational and real- world problems K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Discrete Structures
Course Code: BCSE1-306
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Use logical notation to define and reason about fundamental mathematical concepts such as sets, relations, functions. K1,K2
II Calculate numbers of possible outcomes of elementary combinatorial processes such as permutations and combinations, probabilities and discrete distributions for simple combinatorial processes. K2,K3
III Enhance the technical competence by applying the Graph Theory models to solve problems of connectivity. K3,K4
IV Understand the concepts and properties of algebraic structures, Boolean Algebra, logic gates & circuits. K1,K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Data Structures Lab
Course Code: BCSE1-307
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Introduce the basic concepts of data structure, data types, searching and sorting based algorithms. K1
II Gain knowledge about the structured data and the implementation of basic operations. K2
III Explore dynamic implementation of linked list. K2
IV Understand the concept of tree and its operations implementation. K2,K3
V Implement various concepts of data structures in programming language for solving problems. K3
VI Use of data structures in real world applications. K2


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Object Oriented Programming using C++ Lab
Course Code: BCSE1-308
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Develop programming skills among the students. K2
II Design and solve real world problems with modern tool usage. K3
III Practice the professional ethics and lifelong learning in technical aspects. K3
IV Lead a team on work as an individual in a team. K1
V Understand and implement the complex problems with effective solutions. K1,K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Digital Circuits & Logical Design Lab
Course Code: BCSE1-309
CO No. Cos(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Familiarize with modern tool / trainer kit and associated equipment. K1
II Design, realize and manipulate basic gates using universal gates while working as an   individual and with diverse team. K1, K4
III Analyze, design and create various combinational circuits like half adder & subtractor, full adder & subtractor, multiplexers and demultiplexers. K3, K4
IV Use techniques and skills to analyze and realize Sequential circuits like flip-flops, counters and shift registers. K4
V Study and analyze ADC and DAC signal conversion techniques with the understanding of its limitations. K2


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Soft Skills-I
Course Code: BHUM0-F91
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Identify and understand the significance of ethical and professional conduct issues and be able to respond in an appropriate way. K2
II Apply appropriate professional standards using LATEX or any other tool. K3
III Understand the need to work effectively with others in team K2
IV Deal with conflicts, managing disappointment and coping with adverse circumstances. K2
V Demonstrate clear briefing and listening skills. K3
VI Learn and apply professional ethics and responsibilities. K1,K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 3rd
Course: Training-I
Course Code: BCSE1-310
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Acquire in depth knowledge of modern engineering and IT tool usage. K2
II Develop applications according to user’s needs. K3
III Learn about an environment required for project development  and effective communication skills. K1
IV Get knowledge to prepare reports and presentations. K1
V Learn to work in a team as a member or a leader. K1


Semester – 4th

Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Course: Operating System
Course Code: BSE1-411
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I List various functions of Operating system. K1
II Interpret various CPU scheduling & deadlock prevention algorithms. K2
III Explain various memory management policies and need of virtual memory. K2
IV Use Semaphores and counters to solve critical section and producer consumer problems. K3
V Compare disk space management, device management and file implementation techniques. K2
VI Describe various attributes of distributed operating system. K1
VII Summarize latest trends in LINUX/UNIX and windows based operating systems. K2
K1: 2, K2: 4, K3: 1


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 4th
Course: Database Management System-I
Course Code: BCSE1-412
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Understand the concepts of database system and various models. K1
II Decompose un-normalized tables into BCNF and/or 3NF compliant tables. K2
III Understand about Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control and Recovery of databases. K1
IV Compare the performance of different storage and indexing strategies. K2
V Design databases of real world projects using SQL. K3
VI Interpret Security and Protection features of Database Systems. K2
K1: 2, K2: 3, K3: 1


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 4th
Course: Computer Networks-I
Course Code: BCSE1-413
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Identify Various network types, topologies and networking components. K1
II Compare OSI model and TCP/IP model. K2
III Describe concept of layers, protocols, interfaces and services in OSI and TCP/IP model. K2
IV Explain Computer Network design issues at various layers. K2
V Implement various addressing schemes and sub-netting. K3
VI Recognize the need of network security. K1
K1: 2, K2: 3, K3: 1


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 4th
Course: DAA  
Course Code: BCSE1-414
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Explain various algorithm design techniques. K2
II Summarize various computational and mathematical concepts for solving engineering problems. K2
III Compare the performance of various algorithms using time and space complexity measures. K4
IV Classify engineering problems as P, NP, NP-hard and NP complete. K2
V Implement various graph traversal algorithms to solve real world problems. K3
VI Apply  various sorting and searching algorithms to solve real world problems. K3
K2: 3, K3: 2, K4: 1


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 4th
Course: MALP
Course Code: BCSE1-415
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Describe the block diagram of 8085 and 8086 microprocessor. K1
II Implement various operations using Assembly Language Programming. K3
III Connect microprocessor with memory & other peripherals. K2
IV Differentiate microprocessor, microcontroller and microcomputer from operation point of view. K2
V Use  microprocessor to solve real world problems. K3
VI Identify the use of 8251 and 8255 and their interfacing with microprocessor. K2
K1: 1, K2: 3, K3: 2


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 4th
Course: Database Management System-I Lab
Course Code: BCSE1-416
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Acquire knowledge about SQL and apply the same for developing projects for real life problem solving. K2,K3
II Create tables and solve queries using various commands. K3
III Secure the database so as to adhere to the social and legal engineering ethics. K2
IV Understand the concept of relational algebra. K1
K1:1, K2:2, K3:3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 4th
Course: Computer Networks-I LAB
Course Code: BCSE1-417
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Classify latest desktops and laptops based upon their specifications. K2
II Recognize various networking components, devices, topologies, transmission media and tools. K1
III Prepare various networking cables and LAN  topologies. K3
IV Configure TCP/IP protocols and resource sharing in Windows and Linux. K3
V Plan, Design and implement network classes and subnets. K4
VI Install FTP server and client. K3
K1:1, K2:1, K3:3, K4:1


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 4th
Course: DAA   LAB
Course Code: BCSE1-418
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Analyse and code GCD, Median method and Majority methods  to solve engineering problems. K2
II Understand a given problem and design an appropriate approach to solve it. K2
III Demonstrate the use of  BFS, DFS, minimum spanning tree algorithms to solve  real world problems. K1
IV Apply KMP to find all occurrences of a pattern P in a given string S. K3
V Compute the convex hull of a set of points in the plane. K3
VI Implement various sorting and searching algorithms like quick sort, merge sort, heap sort to solve real world problems. K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 4th
Course: MALP Lab
Course Code: BCSE1-419
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Understand different steps to develop program such as Problem Definition, Analysis, Design of logic, Testing and Maintenance. K2
II Provide practical hands on experience using assembly language programming. K3
III Able to implement the same problem using different instructions. K3
IV Apply techniques for faster execution of instructions and enhance speed of operations. K3
V Use of programming language constructs for program writing. K2
K2:2, K3:3


Programme: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: Soft Skills-II
Course Code: BHUM0-F92
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Acquire skills and attitudes  to work independently and cooperatively as a team member. K2
II Demonstrate his/her personal traits and expose their personality effectively. K4
III Use their career goals strategically and then achieve success by utilizing the available opportunities. K3
IV Recognize more vocabulary and apply skimming skills to comprehend main ideas. K1
V Interpret the factors causing stress among the employees. K2
K1:1, K2:2, K3:1, K4:1



Programme: B.Tech (CSE)
Semester: 5th
Course: Computer Networks-II
Course Code: BCSE1-520
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Understand the concepts of network security, IP addressing, and wireless network technologies. K1
II Learn secure network communication and its protocols. K2
III Distinguish between various wireless communication systems in context of technological changes. K1
IV Familiar with concepts like WLL and LMDS, and their usage in network design. K2
V Identify various parameters of wireless networks required for designing a wireless network. K3
VI Illustrate  how wireless local area network interact with real world environment. K2
K1: 2, K2: 3, K3: 1


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 5th
Course: Automata
Course Code: BCSE1-521
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Acquire a fundamental understanding of the core concepts in automata theory and formal languages. K1
II Design FA with output and deduce the equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machines. K2
III Construct Regular Expressions to design and develop grammars for different language classes. K3
IV Identify Context Free Language classes and prove language membership properties. K2
V Prove the theorems establishing key properties of formal languages and design Pushdown Automata. K1
VI Design Turing Machine and Learn decidability and intractability of various Languages. K2
K1: 2, K2: 3, K3: 1


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 5th
Course:   Java Programming
Course Code: BCSE1-522
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Understand the basic concepts and techniques which form the OOP paradigm of JAVA. K2
II    Recall Recall the exception handling mechanism to deal with unexpected situations during program execution. K1
III Understand the simultaneous execution of multiple parts of the program using multithreading concept. K2
IV Describe the concepts of Applets and Graphics used in web-based applications. K1.K3
V Acquire knowledge about the advance topics of Java programming. K2
VI Implement the various I/O operations on Files. K2
K1: 2, K2: 4, K3: 1


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 5th
Course: Computer Graphics
Course Code: BCSE1-558
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Draw different shapes in graphics, understand the basic fundamentals of Computer Graphics, and role of computer graphics in society. K1
II Design and implement geometric, mathematical and algorithmic concepts. K2,K3
III Use different 2-D and 3-D transformations, clipping operations and area    filling techniques for developing various applications. K3
IV Explore projections and visible surface detection techniques for display of 3-D scene on 2-D screen. K2
V Render projected objects to naturalize the scene on 2-D view and use of illumination model for the same. K2,K3
VI Understand properties of Light and Color and use various Color Models. K1
K1: 2, K2: 3, K3: 3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 5th
Course: Computer Networks-II LAB
Course Code: BCSE1-523
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Implement security measures for detection and removal of  spyware,  malware,  viruses and worms from computers K3
II Understand network utilities and packet capturing tools. K2
III Implement IPSec ,WLAN and VoIP using simulation environment. K3
IV Configure a mobile device for setting PAN using mobile application. K3
V Install and configure wireless devices for a wireless network. K3
VI Design of Adhoc network scenario to analyze network communication. K3
K2: 1, K3: 5


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 5th
Course: Java Programming Lab
Course Code: BCSE1-524
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I  Build Software Development Skills to determine the logic for problem solving in Real World Application. K2
II Demonstrate the use of OOPs concepts with the help of program. K3
III Use the JAVA Environment to create, debug and execute programs. K3
IV Understand the use of Interfaces and Packages. K2
V Recall the Exception Handling mechanism to handle the errors at run-time. K1
VI Carry out the various graphical operations inside the Applet. K3
K1:1, K2:2, K3:3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Course: Soft Skills-III
Course Code: BHUM0-F93
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Understand the significance of creative writing and develop and hone skills to respond thoughtfully in written form. K2
II Use a range of professional style, vocabulary and format used in business documents to write concise, accurate letters and mails. K3
III Identify various non-verbal and behavioural factors which affects the reception of messages. K2,K3
IV Understand the need to work effectively with others in a team and importance of group dynamics K2
V Acquire practical time management skills for scheduling, planning and priortizing work. K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Course: Training II
Course Code: BCSE1-525
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Acquire the basic skills about project creation, organization  and implementation in order to develop a solution. K1,K2
II Get knowledge about latest technologies and various types of applications in different industries. K1,K2
III Develop Team management and Time management skills. K3
IV Learn the documentation, report writing and presentation skills. K2,K3



Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 6th
Course: Software Engineering
Course Code : BCSE1-626
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Describe how to plan and deliver an effective software engineering process, based on knowledge of widely used development lifecycle models. K1
II Analyze and document requirements and translate requirements specification into an implementable design, following a structured and organized process. K2
III Explain how to develop a code from given design and perform testing by using appropriate testing technique. K2
IV Formulate a testing strategy for a software system. K2
V Apply various techniques and problem solving approaches for developing software. K4
VI Use modern engineering tools necessary for software project management, quality management, maintain software using reverse engineering and software reuse. K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 6th
Course: Compiler Design
Course Code : BCSE1-627
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I To specify and analyze the lexical, syntactic and semantic structures of compiler design. K1,K4
II Describe the role of parser in a compiler and relate the yield of a parse tree to a grammar derivation. K1
III Identify the similarities and differences among various parsing techniques and grammar transformation techniques. K2
IV Explain the role of different run-time environments and memory organization for implementation of typical programming language. K2
V Classify the techniques for intermediate code and machine code optimization for compiling advanced language features. K4
VI Develop and implement and intermediate code generator based on a given code pattern. K3


Programme: B.Tech (CSE)
Semester: 6
Course: Multimedia & Virtual Reality
Course Code : BCSE1-661
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Learn about different multimedia applications, its characteristics and media authoring system K1
II Understand and apply different compression techniques K2,K3
III Learn about data organisation in various multimedia storage devices K1
IV Understand multimedia information system architecture K2
V Recognize reality system interface to the virtual world devices K1
VI Examine various domain dependent application of virtual environment K2,K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 6th
Course: Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Course Code : BCSE1-664
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Identify the scope and necessity of Data Mining & Warehousing . K1
II Explain  the designing of Data Warehousing so that it can be able to solve the root problems. K2
III Implement  data to analyze and extract using software . K3
IV Comprehend the roles that data mining plays in various fields and manipulate different data mining techniques. K4
V Implement the appropriate data mining methods like classification, clustering or Frequent Pattern mining on large data sets. K3
VI Understand the  basic techniques and tools for analyzing the Web structure and Web access. K2


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 6th
Course: Entreprenurship(Open Elective)
Course Code : BBAD0-F95
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Learn and Understand the basic concepts of Entrepreneurship. K1,K2
II Develop the knowledge of accessing various business opportunities and able to identify the causes of success or failure of business K3
III Analyse the role of women in Entrepreneurship and their impact on society K4
IV Learn and Understand the role of various financial institutions in implementing business. K1,K2
V Learn about the SME and its importance in Indian economy K1
VI Develop the knowledge about key steps to bring and promote new goods or services in market. K1, K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 6th
Course: Software Engineering Lab
Course Code : BCSE1-628
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Learn and use software to draft a project plan or track the progress a project. K1
II Prepare requirement specifications document by collecting requirements from customer. K2
III Create and specify a software design based on the requirement specification that the software can be implemented based on the design. K3
IV Learn and use any design tool. K2
V Prepare various documents like software configuration management and risk management related document. K2
VI Make a testing plan for the software and perform testing on software and websites through various testing techniques. K4


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 6th
Course: Web Engineering Lab
Course Code : BCSE1-629
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Recognize and Understand  java and server side scripting languages to develop web applications. K1,K3
II Construct a server side java application called JSP to catch form data sent from client and store it on database. K3
III Understand  integrated development environment to create, debug and run multi-tier and enterprise-level applications. K1
IV Describe tag structure, process and call custom tag on JSP pages. K2
V Distinguish between static and dynamic websites with good aesthetic sense of designing and usage of latest technical tools. K4
VI Develop console based, GUI based and web based applications. K3


Programme: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 6th
Course: Soft Skills-IV
Course Code : BHUM0-F94
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Imbibing of  soft skills for different  job profile. K3
II Interpret modes of  communication and presentation skills. K2
III Confidently participate in GD. K3
IV Prepare CV/Resume efficiently. K3
V Familiarization with different skills required for interview process. K1
VI Enhances overall personality. K3


Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: Microcontroller
 Semester: 7th
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Describe the architecture and operation of 8051 microcontroller. K1
II Acquire the knowledge of basic concepts of program development tools. K2
III Implement various operations in 8051  using assembly language programming. K3
IV Designing interface of  8051 with peripheral devices. K3
V Analyze the data transfer through serial port. K2
VI Designing real world applications using 8051 microcontroller. K3


Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: Artificial Intelligence
Semester: 7th
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to:
1 Recognize the role of AI to solve real world problems.
2 Explain problem solving methods like uninformed and informed search.
3 Implement prepositional logic and predicate logic reasoning to represent knowledge.
4 Explain various techniques to handle uncertainty in engineering problems.
5 Explain artificial learning techniques like optimization techniques and genetic algorithms.
6 Describe various concepts of natural language processing.


Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Semester: 7th
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to:
I Interpret various AI search algorithms (uninformed, informed, heuristic methods)
II Understand the fundamentals of knowledge representation, inference and theorem proving.
III Know how to build simple knowledge based systems.
IV Demonstrate working knowledge in prolog in order to write simple programs and explore more code on their own.
V Demonstrate how to model backtracking behaviour of program execution.
VI Solve AI algorithm for solving complex engineering and real world problems.



Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: DBMS –II Lab
Course Code: (BCSE1-732)
Semester: 7th
CO No. Cos (Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Write pl/sql blocks using different control structures K3
II Create  views, sequences and triggers K3
III Understand and  implement different types of triggers, procedures and functions K2,K3
IV Understand and use  open source data mining tool: Weka K2
V Understand the server administration of any database management software K2



Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: STQA
Semester: 7th
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
1 To get the basic knowledge about all the methodologies of software engineering. K1
2  To understand the various software testing design Techniques. K2
3 To apply various testing strategies as per the test plan for testing metrics and quality    Measurements. K3
4 To learn how to use modern engineering tools necessary for software quality  assurance  & learn quality management practices. K1
5 Understand the tools of CASE, SCM and Component based software development to   Produce a good Quality software. K2


Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Semester: 7th
 CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
I Learn basic object oriented concepts, their terminologies and limitations K1
II Get acquainted with knowledge of modeling classes and dependencies K2
III Understand the techniques and goals of UML K3
IV Develop SRS document according to IEEE standards K3
V Design and build a software system as per the unified process approach K3



Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: OOAD Lab
Course Code: BCSE1-733
Semester: 7th
CO No. Cos (Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
1 Learn and use software to draft a project plan K1
2 Prepare requirement specifications document  according to IEEE standard K2
3 Create and specify a software design based on the requirement specification that the software can be implemented based on the design. K3
4 Learn and use any design tool. K2




Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: DBMS -II
Course Code: (BCSE1-730)
Semester: 7th
CO No. Cos (Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to: Level
1 Understand the advanced database concepts & relevant technologies. K1
2 Identify & use database concepts for variety of applications and implement PL/SQL. K1,K3
3 Interpret transaction processing & query processing methods. K2
4 Analyse various techniques of query optimization K3
5 Understand backup & recovery techniques to counter database failure K1
6 Recognize the latest concepts in database management such as data mining, big data K1



Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: Cloud Computing and Big Data
Course Code: BCSE1-836
Semester: 8th
CO No. Cos (Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to:
1 Learn basics of Big data, Hadoop and Map Reduce
2 Learn the basics of Hive, HQL, HBase schema design, PIG and NoSQL
3 Understand various basic concepts related to cloud computing technologies, architecture and concept of different cloud models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Cloud virtualization, cloud storage, data management and data visualization.
4 Understand different cloud programming platforms & tools and familiar with application development and deployment using cloud platforms.



Program: B.Tech (CSE)
Course: SPM
Course Code: BCSE1-869
Semester: 8th 
CO No. COs(Course Outcomes): On the successful completion of course, students will be able to:
1 Apply the basics of software project Management in order to manage and plan the activities to deliver qualified product.
2 Select and apply the appropriate scheduling and cost estimation model to better estimate duration and cost of the project.
3 Understand the importance of product quality and risk management.
4 Develop effective organizational and leadership skills for managing projects and teams.
5 Understand configuration management and learn strategies to monitor and control the software project.