Dr. Kanwalvir Singh Dhindsa

Areas Of Interest
- Cloud Computing, Big Data, IoT, Mobile Computing, Database & Security, Web Engineering
Subjects Taught
- Operating Systems
- Distributed Systems
- OOAD using UML
- Emerging Technologies
- Advanced Databases
- GPU Computing
- Big Data
Additional Responsibilities
- Head of Computer Science & Engineering Department
- Officer Incharge, MTech(CSE),IKGPTU Regional Centre
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
2000 | till date | Professor | BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib |
Educational Details
Degree | University | Year |
Ph.D | Punjabi University,Patiala | 2014 |
M.Tech | Punjabi University,Patiala | 2003 |
B.E. | Punjab technical University, Jalandhar | 2000 |
- Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Membership No. L27567
- Fellow Member of Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Membership No. M 237761
- Fellow Member of International Society for Research and Development (ISRD), Membership No. F3140900142
- Member of Institution of Engineers (MIE), Membership No. M-146061-1
- Life Member of Computer Society of India(CSI) , Membership No. 00175868
- Member of Universal Association of Computer & Electronics Engineers(UACEE), Membership No. AM1003072
- Member of Institute of Doctors, Engineers and Scientists , Membership No. 1044
- Life-Member of Punjab Academy of Science (PAC), Membership No. 919
- Member of Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE) ,Membership No. 7000201
- Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology(IACSIT) , Membership No. 80333814
- Life-Member of Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE) , Membership No. LM 49355
- Member of International Association of Engineers(IAENG) , Membership No. 63318
- Member of Association for Computing Machinery(ACM) ,Membership No. 2205468
- Fellow Member of Institution of Engineers(IEI), Membership No. F-125755-9
M-Tech Thesis Supervised
Topic | Scholar Name | Year |
An Improved AES Algorithm for Enhancing Security in Cloud Environment | Navroop Kaur | 2019 |
Enhancement of Data Security using Video Steganography | Mandeep Kaur | 2018 |
Sentiment Classification of Tweets, Supervised Learning Approach by Effective Feature Selection | Jatinder Singh | 2017 |
Critical Path Based Ant Colony Optimization for Cloud Computing using meta heuristic approach | Rupinder Singh | 2017 |
ROI based Enhanced Fragile Image Watermarking for Tamper Detection, Journal of Advancements in Robotics | Harneel kaur | 2018 |
Efficient Task Scheduling using Load Balancing in Cloud Computing | Rupinder Kaur | 2018 |
Zero Watermarking for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Web Engineering & Technology | Sandeep Kaur | 2018 |
Analysis of NoSQL Databases: A Comparative Study | Amandeep Kaur | 2017 |
Analysis of Task Scheduling Algorithms using Cloud Computing | Amtoj Kaur | 2017 |
Performance Evaluation for CRUD Operations in NoSQL Databases’, i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing | Amandeep Kaur | 2016 |
Performance Evaluation of Task Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing | Amtoj Kaur | 2016 |
Hybrid Scheduling Algorithm for Efficient Load Balancing In Cloud Computing | Navpreet Singh | 2017 |
Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment: A Comparative Study of Service Models and Scheduling Algorithms | Navpreet Singh | 2017 |
Comparison of Job Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing | Davneet Singh | 2017 |
A Load Balancing Based Improved Task Scheduling Algorithm In Cloud Computing | Davneet Singh | 2017 |
Comparative Study and Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithms | Kamalpreet Kaur Jassar | 2016 |
Impact Evaluation of Sybil Attack on Manet’s for Reactive Routing Protocol | Gurkirat Kaur | 2018 |
Performance Evaluation for CRUD Operations in NoSQL Databases | Amandeep Kaur Pharwaha | 2017 |
Energy Efficient Resource Scheduling Framework for Cloud Computing | Kamalpreet Kaur Gill | 2016 |
Neural Network Based Speaker verification for Security Systems | Sukhandeep Kaur | March 2016 |
Isolating Side Channel Attack in Cloud Architecture | Navjot Singh | 2015 |
Performing Efficient Data Analysis using Spatial Clustering | Kamalpreet Kaur Jassar | 2015 |
Performance Analysis of Web Page Retrieval using Improved Hybrid Approach | Kushwant Kaur | 2015 |
Design and Analysis of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Logic Controlled Wireless Intelligent Telemetry System | Rajwinder Kaur | 2014 |
Implementation of Association Rule Mining using Reverse Apriori Algorithm | Ashma Chawla | 2014 |
Modeling and Analysis of GIST Protocol using Coloured Petri Nets | Atul Kumar | 2014 |
Integrated Object Relationship Management using MVC Design Patterns in Open Source ERP | Navita Goyal | 2014 |
QoS and Cost Aware Service Brokering using Pattern based Service Selection in Cloud Computing | Mandeep Singh | 2013 |
Smartphone based Cloud Computing Architecture supporting Mobile Client accessing Web Services | Mandeep Singh | 2013 |
Implementation and Analysis of Semantic Web Technique using Ontology | Ritu | 2012 |
Comparison and Implementation of Image Matching Techniques | Geetanjali | 2011 |
Study of Performance issues in TULIP over Wireless Networks | Parminder Singh | 2010 |
Numeric to Numeric Encryption of Databases using 3KDec Algorithm | Kamaljit Kaur | 2010 |
Analytical and Comparative study of Data Mining algorithms for DSS | Parneet Kaur | 2010 |
Effect of Embedding watermarks on compression of digital images | Deepak Aggarwal | 2010 |
Effort Estimation Using Analogy for Web Hypermedia Application | Dheerendra Singh | 2009 |
Resource Discovery in Grid Environment using Ontology Based Approach | Naveen Dogra | 2008 |
Implementation & Comparison of Contemporary Clustering Techniques | Amit Behl | 2008 |
Analysis and Comparative Study of LPC and MELP Vocoders | Kanchan Bala | 2008 |
Comparison of Edge Detectors for Varying Dense Images with Effect of Noise and Blurring | Ashima Uppal | 2008 |
A Rule Based Modeling Approach using Hybrid Fuzzy Rough Sets | Kalpna | 2007 |
Phd Supervised
Topic | Scholar Name | Status of Phd | University | Year |
Proliferation of Android Malware: An Analytical Study of Android apps and Anti Malware Security | Sangeeta Rani | Completed | IKG Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala | 2019 |
Distributed Defense against DDoS Attacks Using Cooperative Agents in ISP Networks | Karanbir Singh | Completed | IKG Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala | 2019 |
A Cluster Based Global Defense against distributed Denial of Service Attacks in MANETs | Deepa | Completed | IKG Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala | 2019 |
Journal Papers
- Software Quality Improvement and Validation Using Reengineering, Journal of Engineering Research (JER), SCI-E, SCOPUS accepted , vol: 10.36909/jer.Vxix.9481, no: 2307-1885, pp: https://kuwaitjournals.org/jer/index.php/JER/home, 22 Feb, 2021
- Entropy-based DDoS Attack Detection in Cluster based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, SCI-E, SCOPUS accepted , vol: , no: 1551-9899,, pp: http://journals.sfu.ca/ahswn/index.php/ahswn, 4 May, 2021
- Performance-Aware Approach for Software Risk Management Using Random Forest Algorithm, International Journal of Software Innovation, vol: 9, no: ISSN: 2166-7160, pp: 12-19, , DOI: 10.4018/IJSI.2021010102, WOSUID: WOS:000587502700002 (Indexed in Scopus,WoS, ESCI), January-March 2021
- Detection of attacks in IoT sensors networks using machine learning algorithm,Microprocessors and Microsystems,, Elsevier,Sciencedirect, vol: 82, ISSN: 0141-9331, no: 0141-9331, pp: 1-6, DOI: 10.1016/j.micpro.2020.103814, www.elsevier.com/locate/micpro(Indexed in SCI-E, SCOPUS, IF-1.161, Elsevier, Sciencedirect), Jan. 2021
- Performance analysis of Cluster-based DDoS Defense System with different Reactive Routing Protocols, International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, Bentham Science, , vol: 11, no: 2210-3287 , pp: 54-65, ISSN: 2210-3287 (Online), Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 54-65, DOI: 10.2174/2210327910666191227125250 (UGC, Scopus) , 2021
- Design for software risk management using Soft Computing and Simulated Biological Approach, International Journal of Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing, vol: 12, no: 2643-7937, pp: 44-54, April-June 2020
- T-CAD: A threshold based collaborative DDoS attack detection in multiple autonomous Systems (2020), Journal of Information Security and Applications, vol: 51, no: 2214-2126, pp: 1-12, 2020
- Android application security: Detecting Android malware and evaluating anti-malware , International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, vol: 10, no: 4, pp: 491-506, April 2020
- A Pragmatic Assessment of Approaches and Paradigms in Software Risk Management Frameworks, International Journal of Natural Computing Research, vol: 9, no: , pp: 13-26, January-March 2020
- An Empirical Evaluation of Assorted Risk Management Models and Frameworks in Software Development, International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation, vol: 11, no: , pp: 52-62, January-March 2020
- Design and Development of Android Based Mobile Application for Specially Abled People, Springer, vol: 111, no: , pp: 2353-2367, Dec. 2019
- A Novel Tweet Recommendation Framework for Twitter, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol: 8, no: , pp: 3188-3192, August,2019
- Escalated Methods for Software Defects Audit in Repercussion and Effects Construe to Nature Inspired and Behaviour Driven Mechanisms, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, vol: 8, no: 2249-8958, pp: 1779-1783, August 2019
- TrendNet Algorithm: Towards Personalization of Twitter Trends, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, vol: 8, no: 2277-3878, pp: 1555-1560, July 2019
- Usage Patterns and Implementation of Random Forest Methods for Software Risk and Bugs Predictions, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol: 8, no: ISSN: 2278-3075, pp: 927-932, July 2019
- Reengineering Framework to Enhance the Performance of Existing Software, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol: 10, no: 5, pp: 536-543, 2019
- Reengineering Cost Estimation using Scrum Agile Methodology, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, vol: 11, no: , pp: 208-218, June 14, 2019
- Reengineering framework for open source software using decision tree approach, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol: 9, no: 3, pp: 2041-2048, June 2019
- Clustering based Model to Provide Defense against DDoS attacks in MANETs, Journal of Communication Engineering & Systems, vol: 9, no: , pp: 7-13, April 2019
- Flow-based Attack Detection and Defense Scheme against DDoS Attacks in Cluster based Ad Hoc Networks, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, vol: 10, no: , pp: 3905-3910, Feb. 2019
- An Improved AES Algorithm for Enhancing Security in Cloud Environment, Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, vol: 10, no: , pp: 1-8, 2019
- Threshold-Based Distributed DDoS Attack Detection in ISP Networks, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, vol: 26, no: 4, pp: 1796-1811, July 2018
- Performance analysis of agent based distributed defense mechanisms against DDoS attacks, International Journal of Computing, vol: 17, no: 1, pp: 15-24, March 2018
- Android Malware Detection in Official and Third Party Application Stores, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, vol: 9, no: , pp: 3506-3509, 2018
- Enhancement of Data Security using Video Steganography, International Journal of Computer Applications, Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), vol: 181, no: 6, pp: 34-38, 2018
- ROI based Enhanced Fragile Image Watermarking for Tamper Detection, Journal of Advancements in Robotics, vol: 5, no: , pp: 18-25, 2018
- Efficient Task Scheduling using Load Balancing in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, vol: 10, no: , pp: 3888-3892, 2018
- Deployment of Agent-Based Distributed Defense Mechanism against DDoS Attacks in Multiple ISP Networks, International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, vol: 9, no: 4, pp: 123-134, Dec. 2017
- Behavioral Characterization of Android Malware to Detect Similar Malware, International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering, vol: 5, no: , pp: 509-514, Oct.-Dec. 2017
- Study of Existing Design Architectures and Frameworks in Twitter, Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, vol: 9, no: , pp: 52-56, Oct.-Dec. 2017
- Sentiment Classification of Tweets, Supervised Learning Approach by Effective Feature Selection, International Journal Of Research In Electronics and Computer Engineering, vol: 5, no: , pp: 221-224, Oct-Dec. 2017
- Critical Path Based Ant Colony Optimization for Cloud Computing using meta heuristic approach, International Journal Of Research In Electronics and Computer Engineering, vol: 5, no: , pp: 225-230, Oct-Dec. 2017
- Coordinator-Agent Based Distributed Defense against DDoS Attacks in Transit-Stub Networks, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, vol: 10, no: , pp: 51- 64, Oct. 2017
- , A Load Balancing Based Improved Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, vol: 5, no: , pp: 161-170, Sept. 2017
- Collaborative Agent-based Model for Distributed Defense against DDoS Attacks in ISP Networks, International Journal of Security and its Applications, MECS,, vol: 11, no: 8, pp: 1-12, Aug. 2017, ISSN: 1738-9976, DOI: 10.14257/ijsia.2017.11.8.01, WOSUID: WOS:000409232100001, www.sersc.org/journals/IJSIA/vol11_no8_2017.php
- . Comparison of Job Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing, Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, vol: 6, no: 8, pp: 82-90, Aug. 2017,ISSN(online): 2278-4853
- Distributed Defense: An Edge over Centralized Defense against DDoS Attacks, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, vol: 9, no: 3, pp: 36-44, March 2017, ISSN: 2074-9104 (Online), DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2017.03.05 (Scopus, Inspec, IET)
- Hybrid Scheduling Algorithm for Efficient Load Balancing In Cloud Computing, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, vol: 8, no: 5, pp: 3181-3187, 2017, ISSN: 0975-0290
- Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment: A Comparative Study of Service Models and Scheduling Algorithms, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, vol: 8, no: 6, pp: 3246-3252, 2017, ISSN: 0975-0290
- Analysis of NoSQL Databases: A Comparative Study, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol: 3, no: 1, pp: 51-56, Jan. 2017, ISSN (Online): 2395-5295 (Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.3.1.30)
- Analysis of Task Scheduling Algorithms using Cloud Computing, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol: 3, no: 1, pp: 51-56, Jan. 2017, ISSN (Online): 2395-5295 (Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.3.1.30)
- Malware Detection Techniques and Tools for Android, International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems (Special Issue on: Big Data and Social Computing Analytics), Inderscience Publishers, vol: 1, no: 4, pp: 326-343, 2016, http://www.inderscience.com, ISSN online: 2040-073X, ISSN print: 2040-0721, DOI: 10.1504/IJSCCPS.2017.10005813
- Performance Evaluation for CRUD Operations in NoSQL Databases, i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, vol: 3, no: 2, pp: 1-9, Feb-April 2016, (ISSN Online: 2350-1308)
- Performance Evaluation of Task Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing, i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, vol: 3, no: 2, pp: 10-16, Feb-April 2016, (ISSN Online: 2350-1308)
- Speaker Recognition System, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, vol: 3, no: 11, pp: 63-65 , Nov. 2015, E-ISSN: 2347-2693
- A Review on Functional Encryption Schemes and their usage in VANET, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol: 4, no: 11, pp: 184-189, Nov. 2015, ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
- Study of Virtual Side Channel Attack in Cloud Computing - A Review, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, vol: 3, no: 3, pp: 1-6, Sept. 2015, ISSN: 2321-9939
- Energy Efficient Resource Scheduling Framework for Cloud Computing, i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, vol: 2, no: 4, pp: 1-15 , Aug-Oct 2015, (Print ISSN 2349-6835, E-ISSN 2350-1308)
- Speaker Recognition System Techniques and Applications, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, vol: 3, no: 8, pp: 101-104, Aug. 2015, E-ISSN: 2347-2693
- Implementation and Evaluation of Improved SOM for High Dimensional Data Set, Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol: 5, no: 8, pp: 451-457, August 2015, ISSN: 2277-128X
- Isolating Virtual Side Channel Attack in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Communications, vol: 3, no: 1, pp: 8-18, Aug. 2015, ISSN: 2378-0678
- Clustering based Cost Optimized Resource Scheduling Technique in Cloud Computing, i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, vol: 2, no: 3, pp: 8-18, May-July 2015, ISSN Online: 2350-1308
- Self-organizing Map with Modified Self Organizing Map Clustering, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, vol: 3, no: 7, pp: 115-119, July 2015, E-ISSN: 2347-2693
- A Model of Mobile Commerce Practices in the State of Punjab: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Inderscience Journals, Switzerland, vol: 10, no: 4, pp: 494-520, April 2015, DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2015.069651 (ESI, WoS, Clarivate Analytics)
- Hybrid Prefetching for Improving Page Hit-Ratio, International Journal of Science and Research, vol: 4, no: 3, pp: 1878-1881, March 2015, ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
- Comparative Study of Spatial Data Mining Techniques, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol: 112, no: 14, pp: 19-22 , Feb. 2015, ISSN: 0975-8887
- Reverse Apriori Approach - An Effective Association Rule Mining Algorithm, International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research, vol: 4, no: 3, pp: 69-82, May 2014
- Hybrid Approach for Improvement of Web page Response Time, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, vol: 5, no: 5, pp: 6755-6759, 2014, ISSN(online): 0975-9646 (www.ijcsit.com)
- Implementation of Association Rule Mining using Reverse Apriori Algorithmic Approach, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol: 93, no: 8, pp: 24-28, ISSN: 0975-8887
- Simulation of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Logic Controlled Wireless Intelligent Telemetry System, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol: 3, no: 11, pp: 117-121, April 2014, (SCOPUS), ISSN: 2278-3075
- Analysing Scalability factors in Open Source ERP Systems Supporting ORM for SME’s, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, vol: 2, no: 12, pp: 2536-2543, Dec. 2013, ISSN: 2278-0181
- Modeling and Analysis of General Internet Signaling Transport Protocol (GIST) using Coloured Petri Nets, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology, vol: 3, no: 11, pp: 382-387, Nov. 2013
- Comparative Study of Open ERP and its Technologies, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol: 73, no: 20, pp: 42-47 , July 2013, ISSN: 0975-8887
- A Study of Different QoS Management Techniques in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, vol: 3, no: 3, pp: 37-41, July 2013, ISSN: 2231-2307
- Securing RJSON data between Middleware and Smart phones through Java Script based Cryptographic Algorithms, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, vol: 3, no: 2, pp: 189-194, May 2013, ISSN: 2231-2307
- QoS and Cost Aware Service Brokering Using Pattern Based Service Selection in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, vol: 3, no: 2, pp: 441-446, May 2013
- Enhancing Interaction between Smartphones and Web Services on Cloud for Improved Bandwidth and Latency, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, vol: 2, no: 4, pp: 177-185, April 2013
- Design and Analysis of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Logic Controlled Wireless Intelligent Telemetry System, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, USA, ISSN (Print): 1945-3116, vol: 3, no: 7, pp: 120-125, 2013, DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2013.64027 [Impact Factor: 2.23]
- Design of M-Commerce based Model for e-Enablement of Land Record Information System, International Journal of Computer Applications,NY, USA, ISSN: 0975-8887, vol: 66, no: 3, pp: 28-32, March 2013
- Design of E-Land Record Information System with Google Map using Mobile Commerce, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, USA, ISSN (Print): 1945-3116, vol: 6, no: 4, pp: 221-228, 2013,DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2013.64027 [Impact Factor: 2.23]
- Predicting Consumers Intention to Adopt M-Commerce Services: An Empirical Study in the Indian Context, Journal of Computing, NY, USA, ISSN (Online): 2151-9617, vol: 5, no: 2, pp: 26-35, Feb. 2013
- Critical Factors in Consumers Perception towards Mobile Commerce in E-Governance Implementation: An Indian Perspective, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: 2249-8958, vol: 2, no: 3, pp: 513-520 , Feb. 2013,(SCOPUS)
- Investigation and Analysis of new approach of intelligent semantic web search engines, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, vol: 1, no: 1, pp: 83-87, April 2012,(SCOPUS)
- Showcasing the Modelling Approach: The Unified development for land record information System, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2249-3905, vol: 2, no: 2, pp: 453-463 , Feb. 2012
- Modelling & Designing Land Record Information System Using Unified Modelling Language, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,New York, USA, ISSN: 2158-107X (Print), vol: 2, no: 2, pp: 26-30, Feb. 2011,[Scopus (Elsevier), WoS , Thomson Reuters]
- Development of an Improved Feature Based Algorithm for Image Matching, International Journal of Computer Applications, New York, USA, ISSN: 0975–8887,doi: 10.5120/1903- 2537, vol: 14, no: 8, pp: 23-26, Jan. 2011
- Performance Study of TULIP Protocol over 802.11 Wireless Networks, International Journal of Computer Applications, New York, USA, ISSN: 0975-8887, doi: 10.5120/1709-2278, vol: 12, no: 9, pp: 27-30 , Jan. 2011
- Estimation by Analogy in the Perspective Educational Web Hypermedia Applications, International Journal of Information Technology & Knowledge Management, vol: 4, no: 1, pp: 305-313, Dec. 2010
- Effect of Embedding Watermark on Compression of the Digital Images, Journal of Computing, NY, USA, ISSN: 2151-9617, vol: 2, no: 2, pp: 5-8 , Feb. 2010
- Numeric to Numeric Encryption of Databases: Comparison of Standard Encryption Algorithm and the proposed 3Kdec algorithm, International Journal of Computer and Network Security, Austria, Vienna, ISSN (Print): 2076-2739, vol: 2, no: 1, pp: 103-107 , Jan. 2010
- Performance of TCP/IP over wireless Networks using unaware Approach, International Journal of Computer and Network Security, Austria, Vienna, ISSN Print: 2076-2739, vol: 2, no: 1, pp: 1-5, Jan. 2010
- Analytical and Comparative Study of Data Mining Algorithms Using TANAGRA Tool for Farm DSS, International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S), Naples, Italy, ISSN Print: 1828-6003, vol: 4, no: 5, pp: 563-566 , Sept. 2009,(SCOPUS)
Conference Papers
- Performing Reengineering using Scrum Agile Framework, In Proceedings of IEEE Indo-Taiwan 2nd International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks, Feb 14 - Feb 15, 2020, Indo-Taiwan ICAN 2020, Punjab, India, India, pp: 33-35, DOI: 10.1109/Indo-TaiwanICAN48429.2020.9181328
- Comparative study of citation and reference management tools: Mendeley, Zotero and ReadCube, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on ICT in Business, Industry, and Government (ICTBIG 2016), IEEE Xplore, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Nov 18 - Nov 19, 2020, SAIOT, Indore, MP, India, India, pp: 1-5,DOI:10.1109/ICTBIG.2016.7892715, https://udaipur.hosting.acm.org/ictbig2016/, IEEExplore, URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7892715&isnumber=7892628 (Indexed in Scopus, WoS, IEEExplore)
- Comparative Study and Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithms, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), IJCA proceedings on ICTHC 2015 - Number 1, Proceedings (ISSN: 0975-8887) of International Conference on ICT for Healthcare, ICTHC 2015(1), Jul 24 - Jul 25, 2015, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, India, pp: 1-6, (http://www.ijcaonline.org/proceedings/icthc2015/number1), {http://www.csi-udaipur.org/icthc-2015/
- Comparative Study of Tools and Scheduling Algorithms of Cloud Computing, International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology (ICCICT-15), May 12 - May 13, 2015, Global Institutes, Amritsar, India, pp: 781-784, ISBN: 978-93-83006-07-6, (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1395.1206)
- Numeric To Numeric Encryption of Databases: Using 3Kdec Algorithm, Proceedings of the IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC-2009), Mar 6 - Mar 7, 2009, Thapar University, Patiala , India, pp: 1501-1505, (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org), Indexed on IEEE explore, {DOI: 10.1109/IADCC.2009.4809240}
- A Rule Based Modeling Approach using Hybrid Fuzzy Rough Sets, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced computing (ICAC-2008), Feb 21 - Feb 22, 2008, Anuradha Engg. College (ACM Students Chapter), Chikhli, Maharashtra, India, pp:
- Implementation Of Contemporary Clustering Techniques & Analysis, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks (ISN-2008), Feb 22 - Feb 24, 2008, Institute of Science and Technology, Klawad (ISTK-2008), Haryana , India, pp:
Awards & Honours
Sr. No. | Award Name | Year |
1. | Best PhD Thesis Award | 2014 |