Computer Science & Engineering Department at Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College was established in the year 1993 with an intake of 30 students for B.Tech (CSE). Subsequently, the department started a new program of B.Tech (IT).
The current intake in Computer Science & Engineering Department for B.Tech (CSE) is 180. In addition to graduate course, the department also offers one Post Graduate course, M.Tech (CSE).
The department, right from its inception, has the privilege of getting ample funds for setting up the laboratories and other infrastructure. There has been a rapid growth in the infrastructure of the department since 1993 with no looking back. Today, the department boasts of one of the best computing facilities in the region. The department is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and The Institution of Engineers,India (IEI). The department has produced quality computer professionals and feels proud of its alumni employed in public, private and educational sectors, bringing fame to their alma mater. The dedicated team of CSE Department works with a sense of responsibility and dedication to excel so as to achieve success in this era of technology and advancement.
The department offers a comprehensive curriculum from introductory level courses to seminars and projects focusing on critical research areas. Apart from imparting conventional technical education and a rich learning environment, the emphasis is laid on co-curricular activities such as workshops, debates, and quizzes to prepare students for the highly competitive job market. The objective is to provide knowledge of modern computing systems as well as sound theoretical background to meet the evolving needs of students and instill ethical values in them. The department also aims at establishing a strong relationship with the industry so as to bridge the gap between the academic and corporate sector. The department aims at cultivating qualities like leadership, teamwork, self-confidence and good communication skills among its students.
Computer Science & Engineering Department is very proud of its highly esteemed and eminent faculty, constant efforts of whom are important in turning our students into sparkling diamonds. The Department proudly believes in the fact that, “ONE CHILD, ONE TEACHER, ONE BOOK, ONE PEN CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.” The faculty members are supportive, knowledgeable and are available 24*7 for the students.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering is highly privileged to have earned the following Accreditations to match the national and international standards:
Course | No of Seats | Eligibility |
B.Tech (CSE) | 210 | 10+2 (Non-Medical) |
M.Tech (CSE) | 18 | B.Tech (CSE), B.Tech (IT) |
With innovative ideas, our brilliant students have successfully started their own ventures, thus joined the world of entrepreneurs.
The Department is proud of SAHIBGUN SINGH, PYARA SINGH, PANVEER TIWANA and TEJINDER SINGH who have successfully started their Software and Digital Marketing firm ‘Technecky‘ which makes CSE department proud of such shining stars.
‘TechNecky’ is a Software development firm, that believes in updating the world by digitizing the people with software for daily life & to make people aware of technological developments and how they are developed. The team of Technecky has expertise in various fields like Android & IOS Application Development (Both Native and Hybrid), Web Development (Using PHP, ASP.Net, JavaScript, Java), Cyber Security (which includes Cyber Forensics, Cryptography, Network Security and Web Application Security), Digital Marketing (SEO, SEM, SMO and etc.), Data analysing/Big Data (using Hadoop, Python and R) and Business Development. Firm has designed the various training programs for school & college students. All programs are focused on developing a different set of skills (skills could be related to Programming, application development, Application Security, Business development etc).
Apart from theoretical concepts, Computer Science & Engineering Department indulges the students in co-curricular activities to find the best in them. An overall groomed and enhanced personality is requisite to conquer the unknown tomorrow & believes in the great thought of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam as: “If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun”
Computer Science & Engineering Department aims at giving real-time practical exposure to the students by providing hands-on training. There are regular activities, workshops, interactive classes and various other events and field trips for the students under the Computer Science & Engineering Department for the expansion of their horizons and making them compatible with the practicality of the situations so as to help them evolve with the technological developments.
For providing the hands-on training and making the students practice the maximum to embellish their tech- skills, Computer Science & Engineering Department conducts various workshops on a regular basis. These workshops are organized by the students themselves under various student chapters so as to groom their leadership, teamwork and professional skills. National and International expert speakers are invited to these workshops, who guide the students so as to meet the real demands of the technical world. Invited professional techies share their real-life experience with the students to prepare them for what lies ahead.
Various workshops which have been conducted under ‘ACM student chapter’ are as follows:
(To explore the various events held under ACM Student Chapter, please visit:
For enhancing the knowledge regarding various IT languages as used in the software and development companies, Computer Science & Engineering Department conducted the ‘Python quest’ under ACM student chapter. It was a 2-day workshop. On the first day, the students were guided to build their basic concepts of Python. On the second day, a programming competition was held among the participants. In the competition, 5 students were rewarded with exciting cash prizes and appreciation certificates by Computer Science & Engineering department.
In this program, Computer Science & Engineering Department encouraged the students to take risks in life to become entrepreneurs. The department is doing mammoth efforts to turn the students into job givers and not job seekers.
To conduct this workshop, the Computer Science & Engineering Department invited Mr. CP Kamboj (Programmer-cum-trainer, Punjabi University (PU), Patiala) to enlighten the students with his expert talk. He imparted knowledge to the students about the changes occurring in the society related to culture and languages. He imparted training and knowledge of various software developed by PU, Patiala to strengthen the use of Punjabi language.
As today’s world is of freelancing and cyber security, So for these recent trends, Computer Science & Engineering department conducted a 1-day workshop so as to provide the students with the new technologies and trends to give them the exposure to a highly competitive job market.
The world is facing a rise in the number of cases of cyber crimes in this era of the internet & the society needs well-trained cyber security professionals. Computer Science & Engineering Department conducted this 2-day workshop to aware the students about Cyber Intelligence and Forensics.
The Computer Science & Engineering Department provides industrial and worldwide exposure to the students by making them visit Industries and other campuses across the nation. It does not only turn them into professionals but also inculcate the adventurous spirit in them. Thus, Computer Science & Engineering Department helps the students to make contacts with reputed industrialists across the nation which helps in creating a healthy social environment.
Here are some of the visits conducted by the Computer Science & Engineering Department for its students:
Various competitions, quizzes and fun activities are always held in the college to warm the student’s spirit to think creatively and innovatively. Computer Science & Engineering Department has successfully conducted following competitions under various student chapters:
Computer Science & Engineering Department conducts various workshops, competitions and quizzes under Internationally renowned student chapters.
Various workshops, expert lectures and visit to the industries are held under these student chapters. This help students to groom their skills of speaking, developing, teamwork and most importantly to add sparkle to their leadership skills & personality development.
Student Chapters of Computer Science & Engineering Department are as follows:
The Institution of Engineers, India [IE(I)] |
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Computer Society of India (CSI) |
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Association for Computing Machinery(ACM)
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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In order to develop the overall personality of each student, Computer Science & Engineering Department organizes personality development programs and auditorium sessions. In these sessions, besides grooming the personality of the students, CSE department prepares students for various competitive exams like GATE, CAT, etc.
Computer Science & Engineering Department insist that the students have at least 3 internships during their degree time. So as to get hands-on experience from industry. Thus, making it possible for the students to acquire real-time & practical knowledge as showcased in the theoretical concepts.
To give enormous exposure to the students and increase their vision of learning, The Computer Science & Engineering department provides the following learning centres to the students:
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NITTTRRemote Center
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A soothing quote by Manly P. Hall is:
“ An unhealthy mind, even in a healthy body, will ultimately destroy health”
Besides providing the best infrastructure to the students to flourish and develop as Lead Engineers, The Computer Science & Engineering Department also provides the students with a healthy environment that the students can get maximum benefit from the environment and surroundings to have a healthy mind & body. Effectively, leading to the overall growth of the students.
To prepare the students for the highly competitive job market, The Computer Science & Engineering Department provides the students with latest equipped labs with State-of-the-Art facilities. It provides the students with Multimedia Smart classrooms and infrastructure so as to encourage them towards innovation and creativity.
For providing the opportunities to the students to get campus placements without any difficulty, the Computer Science & Engineering Department conducts the placement drives. The Training and Placement Cell takes this task on their shoulders and works hand in hand with the Department. Prestigious companies and highly reputed MNC’s are invited on the Campus to recruit students for their Companies.
Following companies, placement drives held every year which recruit our highly passionate and skilled students.
To bring the researchers and developers on a common platform, the Computer Science & Engineering Department conducts national conferences and summits. In these conferences, students get a dazzling opportunity to meet known faces of industries and the reputed professionals of the research and development areas.
In this, the students get to know the real-life experience of both the professionals and industrialists which make them overcome every difficulty in the path of their goal. Thus, these Conferences and Summits create a strong bond between the students and the industry.
To guide the students to be ready for the placement drives, the Computer Science & Engineering Department utilizes the services of the Training and Placement Cell of the college. The Cell conducts various workshops, expert lectures and motivational lectures for the students of all branches in the college. Thus, it helps the students to develop their overall personality. This cell also provides facilities for the students to prepare them for Campus placement drives and various competitive exams.
For making the students leaders of the future, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College has established Entrepreneurship Cell in Computer Science & Engineering Department. This cell encourages the students to take risks in their life and be entrepreneurs. Faculty members guide the students graciously and help them to solve their real-life problems.
Activities of the Entrepreneurship cell in Computer Science & Engineering Department are as follows:
Computer Science & Engineering Department help students by providing 24-hour labs availability.
To have more details, please visit our official website:
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