Er. Parvinder Kaur

Er. Parvinder Kaur
Assistant Professor
Email ID: parvinder.kaur@bbsbec.ac.in Phone Number: 9780333635 Office Number: 9780333635Areas Of Interest
- Soft Computing
- Digital Image Processing
- Software Engineering
Subjects Taught
- Digital Image Processing
- Soft Computing
- Software Engineering
- Object Oriented Programming
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining
- Operating Systems
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
2007 | 2021 | Assistant Professor | SUSCET, Tangori |
2021 | Till Present | Assistant Professor | BBSBEC,FGS |
Educational Details
Degree | University | Year |
PHD | IKGPTU | Pursuing |
M.Tech | IKGPTU | 2011 |
B.Tech | IKGPTU | 2006 |
M-Tech Thesis Supervised
Topic | Scholar Name | Year |
Age Invariant Face Recogntion Using Stacked Autoencoder Deep Neural Network | Geetkiran Kaur | 2013 |
Comprehensive Survey on Recognition of Emotions from Speech | Khushboo Mittal | 2015 |
Human Opinion Dynamics Used for Efficient Multiple Object Tracking | Alisha Johar | 2016 |
Non-Invertible Secure Template Generation for Online Signature Verification | Deepika | 2016 |
An Advanced Approach to Polymorphic/Metamorpic Malware Detection using Hybrid Clustering Approach | Harshit Kumar | 2016 |
Shape based object detection in digital images | Jaspreet Kaur | 2017 |
Novel Approach to Text Classification by SVM-RBF Kernel and Linear SVC | Gurvir Kaur | 2017 |
Age Invariant Face Recogntion Using Stacked Autoencoder Deep Neural Network | Raman Arora | 2020 |
Optimized OEVMM With BFO And Prioritized Energy Efficient Vm Migration In Cloud Environment | Ruhika Sharma | 2020 |
Detection and Recognition of objects using K-means clustering and Faster-RCNN | Gagandeep kaur | 2020 |
Image Enhancement using Improved Histogram Equalization | Gaganjot Kaur | 2021 |
Detection of Motorcyclists without Helmet using Convolutional Neural Networks | Taiwo Ajagunsegun | 2021 |
Journal Papers
- Parvinder Kaur, Baljit Singh Khehra, Amar Partap Singh Pharwaha, Deep Transfer Learning based Multiway Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection in Images, Mathematical Problems in Engineering , vol: , no: , pp: , 2021
- Parvinder Kaur, Baljit Singh Khehra, Amar partap Singh Pharwaha, Color Image Enhancement based on Gamma Encoding and Histogram Equalization , Elsevier’s Material Today’s:Proceedings , vol: , no: , pp: , 2021
- Parvinder Kaur, Baljit Singh Khehra, Amar Partap Singh Pharwaha, Evaluation of Base Networks for Object Classification and Detection, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), vol: 12, no: 1, pp: 696-705, 2021
- Ruhika Sharma, Parvinder Kaur, Optimized OEVMM With BFO And Prioritized Energy Efficient Vm Migration In Cloud Environment, International Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering (IJRECE), vol: 8, no: 2, pp: , 2020
- Gagandeep Kaur, Parvinder Kaur, Detection and Recognition of objects using K-means clustering and Faster-RCNN, International Journal of Current Research , vol: 12, no: 2, pp: 10008-10012, 2020
- Jaspreet Kaur, Parvinder Kaur, Shape based object detection in digital images, International Journal of Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, vol: 5, no: 12, pp: , 2017
- Geetkiran Kaur, Parvinder Kaur, Review paper of Visual Attention and Saliency Detection Methods, Global Journal of Research Analysis, vol: 12, no: 11, pp: , 2013
- Harshit Kumar, Parvinder kaur, An Advanced Approach to Polymorphic/Metamorpic Malware Detection using Hybrid Clustering Approach , International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR), vol: 4, no: 2, pp: 1682-1688, 2016
- Deepika, Parvinder Kaur, Non-Invertible Secure Template Generation for Online Signature Verification, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research , vol: 4, no: 2, pp: 968-973, 2016
- Alisha Johar, Parvinder Kaur, Human Opinion Dynamics Used for Efficient Multiple Object Tracking, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR), vol: 4, no: 2, pp: 963-967, 2016
- Khushboo Mittal, Parvinder Kaur, Comprehensive Survey on Recognition of Emotions from speech, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research , vol: 3, no: 3, pp: 1-6, 2015
- Gurvir Kaur, Parvinder kaur, Novel Approach to Text Classification by SVM-RBF Kernel and Linear SVC, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations In Technology, vol: 3, no: 3, pp: 416-222, 2017
- Gaganjot Kaur, Parvinder Kaur, Image Enhancement using Improved Histogram Equalization, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Applications, vol: 8, no: 2, pp: , 2021
- Taiwo Ajagunsegun, Parvinder Kaur, Detection of Motorcyclists without Helmet using Convolutional Neural Networks, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Applications. , vol: 8, no: 2, pp: , 2021
Conference Papers
- Parvinder Kaur, Baljit Singh Khehra, Bhupinder Singh Mawi, Data Augmentation for Object Detection - A Review, IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems MWSCAS, Aug 8 - Aug 11, 2021, Michigan State University, USA, pp:
- Parvinder Kaur, Baljit Singh Khehra, ObjectDetetion: Alexnet to Darknet, ,” International Conference on Applications of AI and Machine Learning (ICAML-2020), May 21 - May 22, 2021, Panjabi University, Patiala, India, pp:
- Raman Arora, Parvinder Kaur, Deepinder Kaur, Age Invariant Face Recogntion Using Stacked Autoencoder Deep Neural Network, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM), Jun 17 - Jun 19, 2021, London, United kingdom, pp: 358-363
- Parvinder kaur, Baljit Singh Khehra, Specific Object Detection and Localization: A Review, International Conference on Eco-Sensitive Developments in Science & Technology, Jan 20 - Jan 21, 2017, BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib, India, pp:
- Parvinder Kaur, Baljit Singh Khehra, A Multiresolution Approach to Despeckle Ultrasound Images , International Conference on High Performance Architecture and Grid Computing, Jul 19 - Jul 20, 2011, Chitkara University, India, pp:
- Parvinder Kaur, Image Restoration and degradation, National Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing & Networking, Jun 17 - Jun 17, 2009, SUSCET, Tangori, India, pp: