Er. Ishatpreet Kaur

Er. Ishatpreet Kaur
Assistant Professor
Email ID: Ishatpreet.kaur@bbsbec.ac.in Phone Number: 9914506145Areas Of Interest
- Soil Mechanics & F.E.
- Structures
Subjects Taught
- Structural design & Analysis
- Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engg.
Additional Responsibilities
- To prepare department activity calendar for each semester and make arrangements for the conduct of proposed events in co-ordination with the concerned faculty members.
- To supervise overall in campus admission process and propose charter of duties as per the availability of the CED staff.
- Cordinator of industrial visits for students & expert lectures in deptt.
- Teacher cordinator of student chapter of Institute of Engineers at Deptt. level.
- Memeber of college NSS unit.
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
August 2013 | till date | Assistant Professor | B.B.S.B.E.C.,FATEHGARH SAHIB |
August 2012 | August 2013 | Assistant Professor | Quest Group of Institutes, Jhanjeri, Mohali |
August 2008 | July 2012 | Assistant Professor | RIMT, Mandi Gobindgarh |
Februrary 2007 | June 2008 | Lecturer | D.B.E.C., Amloh |
July 2006 | January 2007 | Lecturer | S.S.C.E.T., Badhani, Pathankot |
Educational Details
Degree | University | Year |
M.Tech in Soil and Foundation Engineering | PTU, Jalandhar | 2013 |
M.Tech in Structures | T.I.E.T., Patiala | 2006 |
Ph.D. Pursuing(Concrete demolished waste in soil) | PTU, Jalandhar | - |
- Lifetime member of Indian Geotechnical Society.
- Lifetime member of Indian Journal of Research & Development
Journal Papers
- Ishatpreet Kaur, Manpreet Kaur, Stabilizing soils incorporating combination of RHA and cement, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), vol: 5, no: 5, pp: , 2017
- Ishatpreet Kaur, Manpreet Kaur, Oil contaminated soil, Evaluation and Remediation, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), vol: 5, no: 5, pp: , 2017
Conference Papers
- Ishatpreet Kaur, Dr J.N.Jha, Effects of Rice Husk Ash - Cement mixtures on Stabilization of Clayey Soils., International Conference on Advancements in Engg. & Technology (ICAET2016), Mar 18 - Mar 19, 2016, B.G.I.E.T., Sangrur, India, pp: 1385-1390
- Ishatpreet Kaur, Dr J.N.Jha, Dr K.S.Gill, Effects on Stabilization of clayey soilsusing RHA-cement , National Conference on latest technologies, May 30 - May 31, 2013, D.A.V. I.E.T., Jalandhar, India, pp:
- Ishatpreet Kaur, Dr Rafat Siddique, Effect of Spent Foundary Sand as Partial replacement of Fine Aggregates on properties of concorete, Interbnational Conference on Solid Waste Management, Mar 18 - Mar 21, 2007, Widener University, U.S.A., pp: